
  • 网络anode voltage;Plate Voltage
  1. U-B电子枪可以在高的阳极电压下工作,因而能够增强CPT的亮度,改善枪的聚焦性能,本文对U-B电子枪的结构和性能进行了探讨。

    The U-B electron gun can be used in high anode voltage condition , this will intensify the luminance of CPT , improve the focusing performance of electron gun . In this paper , the construction and performance of the U-B electron gun is discussed .

  2. 当栅极电压为45V左右,阳极电压为3kV时,发射率分别大于2%和2.5%。

    The maximum efficiency is above 2 % and 2.5 % , respectively , with a grid voltage of about 45 V and an anode voltage of 3 kV .

  3. 而MOSFET的静态线性区和饱和区的特性也用于表示阳极电压。

    The linear and saturate portion of MOSFET static state behavior is also included .

  4. 结果显示,较高的阳极电压和较长的微弧氧化时间有利于制备光催化性能优良的TiO2陶瓷薄膜。

    The results show that higher oxidation voltage and longer oxidation time considerably improve photo-catalysis of the TiO2 ceramic films .

  5. 较高的阳极电压和较长处理时间能提高TiO2陶瓷层薄膜的光催化性能。

    The result shows that higher voltage and longer reaction time have advantageous influence on photocatalysis of the ceramic coating .

  6. 结果表明,AAO薄膜的光致发光发射谱(PL)和光致发光激发谱(PLE)的峰强随阳极电压的增加、氧化时间的延长及浓度的增大分别依次单调增强;

    The results show that the ( photoluminescence ( PL )) and photoluminescence ( excitation ( PLE )) spectra from AAO membranes are enhanced with the increase of anodizing voltage , anodizing time and electrolyte concentrations .

  7. 阳极电压对多孔阳极氧化铝薄膜光学常数的影响

    The effect of anodizing voltage on optical constants of the porous anodic aluminum oxide films

  8. 在低功率(阳极电压3800伏,阳极电流600毫安)条件下进行测定。

    The determination proceeds at fairly low power of generator ( anode voltage 3800V and anode current 600mA ) .

  9. 这种器件无寄生闩锁效应,并在较高阳极电压下展现出电流下降而不是饱和或上升的特性。

    This device is parasitic latch up free , and exhibits the characteristic of output current decrease , instead of current saturation or increase at higher anode voltage .

  10. 在抽真空设备改造的基础上,增加阳极电压,优化抽真空工艺参数,使产品除气更彻底。

    Based on the reform of vacuum equipment , increase the voltage of anticathode , adjust optimal vacuum parameter in order to achieve complete thorough effect . 6 .

  11. 模拟结果表明:增大阳极电压不但可以提高速度比,而且可以降低横向速度零散。

    The results show that when control anode voltage increases or magnetic induction intension near cathode decreases , beam velocity ratio will increase while beam velocity spread decreases ;

  12. 聚焦效果取决于上电极宽度、上电极电压、阳极电压、以及阳极和上电极的间距。

    The self-focusing effect in the device is also proven , which depends on the upper electrode width , upper electrode potential , anode potential and anode upper electrode gap .

  13. 中子管的工作参数为离子源阳极电压3.3kV,离子源放电电流1.8mA,加速高压134kV,束流740μA。

    The working pa-rameters of the neutron tube are ion source anode voltage 3.3 kV , the ion source discharges current 1.8 mA , the accelerating voltage 134 kV , and the ion beam current is 740 μ A.

  14. 在阳极电压和阴极电流变化的条件下,对电子速度比和速度零散随之而变化的情况进行了模拟,得到平均速度比1.1和平均速度零散9.5%的结果。

    With the anode voltage and the cathode current changing , the variational process of the electron velocity ratio and spread is simulated , and the results of the average velocity ratio 1.1 and spread 9.5 % are obtained .

  15. 作者首次研制成功一种新型荧光显示器,当阳极电压从35伏变至65伏时,它的颜色可以从绿色变至橙红色。

    For the first time , the authors succeed in developing a new type of vaccum fluorescent display ( VFD ) where its color can be changed from green to reddish-orange when the anode voltage is changed from 35V to 65V .

  16. 研究表明,完成电子枪的初始设计后,可以通过调整磁场分布、电子枪结构、阴极磁场、阳极电压等因素,优化电子注的性能。

    Study shows finishing initial design of gun we can optimize the beam performance by adjusting magnetic field distribution , gun geometry , cathode magnetic field , magnetic field compression ratio , anode voltage , cathode emitter temperature and so forth .

  17. 通过阳极氧化电压谱图(AVS);I-V特性和Fiske台阶电压测量,我们研究了Nb超导量子结构中AlOx-Al厚度对其特性的影响。

    The AlOx -  ̄ Al thickness influence on the characteristic in Nb superconducting quantum junction was studied by measuring AVS , I-V characteristic and Fiske step voltage .

  18. 得出以下结论:将空气热处理的TiO2纳米管阵列作为光催化剂,对甲基橙溶液进行光催化降解试验,研究了阳极氧化电压、氧化时间、热处理温度对光催化性能的影响。

    The TiO2 nanotube arrays were used as photocatalyst to degrade the methyl orange . The effects of anodic potential , anodic time , annealing temperature on the photocatalysis of TiO2 nanotube arrays were also studied .

  19. 系统研究了阳极氧化电压及电压的匹配性对PAA的孔径、孔间距和有序度的影响。

    A systematic study was carried out to investigate the effect of anodization voltages , voltage matching on the pore diameter , interpore distance and regularity of PAA .

  20. 考察了阳极偏电压、溶液浓度和pH值对苯甲酰胺降解效率和光电流的影响规律,并比较了电助光催化氧化与光催化氧化、光解和电解处理对苯甲酰胺去除率的差异。

    The affect rule of the anode bias voltage , the solution concentration and pH value on benzamide degradation rate and photo electric current were investigated and the difference of electrically assisted photocatalytic oxidation with photocatalytic oxidation , photolysis and electrolysis treatments was compared .

  21. 以10mg/L甲基橙溶液为降解物进行光催化试验,分别研究了阳极氧化电压、溶液的初始pH值、TiO2膜的面积、TiO2膜的使用次数对降解率的影响。

    In the photocatalysis experiment the methyl orange is degraded and effects of the anodization voltage , the initial pH value of the solution , the TiO_2film area and the used times of the TiO_2film at the degradation rate are investigated .

  22. 最佳反应工艺条件为:阳极氧化电压20V,HF电解液浓度1(wt)%,室温,反应时间控制在30min。

    Optimal reaction conditions for preparation are as follows , 20 V for oxidation voltage , 1 ( wt ) % for concentration of HF electrolytes , 30 min for reaction time and room temperature .

  23. 铝电解槽阳极过电压及其衰减曲线的测量与分析

    Measurements and analysis of anodic overvoltage and potential decay curves

  24. 关于使用锂盐糊降低阳极过电压的问题

    On the Reduction of Anode Overvoltage by Using Li-salt Paste

  25. 阳极氧化电压对多孔氧化铝膜生长过程的影响

    Effects of Applied Potential on the Growth Process of Porous Aluminum Oxide Membrane

  26. 结果表明,孔径随阳极氧化电压的升高而变大,温度、电解液浓度影响反应过程中电流密度的大小;

    The results showed that the average tubes diameter increases with anodizing voltage .

  27. 铝电解自焙阳极过电压的研究

    Anodic overvoltage on Soderberg anode in aluminium electrolysis cells

  28. 纯钛表面阳极氧化电压对成骨细胞早期黏附及伸展的影响

    Effects of voltage during anodization on titanium surface on cell attachment and spreading of osteoblasts

  29. 轨旋泵阳极工作电压的选择

    The anode potential select of orbitron pump

  30. 讨论了阳极氧化电压在孔形成过程中的主要作用。

    We discussed the main impact of anodicoxidation voltage in forming process of the film hole .