
yáng guāng pǔ zhào
  • Sunshine;The sun illuminates every corner of the land;The sunlight shines on the whole world;Sunlight floods the earth;The sun is shining over all the earth
阳光普照[yáng guāng pǔ zhào]
  1. 只有那次我们运气好,那一天阳光普照。

    For once , fortune was on our side : the sun shone that day .

  2. 这是个和煦的早晨,阳光普照。

    It is a mild morning and the sun is shining

  3. 阳光普照大地。

    The sun shines all over the world .

  4. 云层散开,阳光普照。

    The clouds parted and the sun shone .

  5. 阳光普照。草地被修葺过了。

    The sun shone . The grass was cut .

  6. “这个倒置(bottom-up)的世界将成为本世纪的伟大主题”,里氏这部阳光普照的作品在结尾时如此宣告。

    " The bottom-up world is to be the great theme of this century ," declares Mr Ridley in the closing pages of this sunny book .

  7. 我愿祝你一路阳光普照。

    I 'd make a wish for sunshine all the while .

  8. 温暖的金色阳光普照整个房间。

    The whole room was flooded with warm , golden sunshine .

  9. 不再有雪,将会阳光普照。

    It won 't snow any more It 'll be sunny .

  10. 春日里阳光普照海面冰层迅速融化

    The frozen sea is melting fast in the spring sunshine .

  11. 阳光普照,鸟语花香,春天绿了大地。

    Sunshine , flowers , spring colors the earth to green .

  12. 让地球阳光普照,让未来神圣美妙。

    Let the earth shine , to make future divine .

  13. 因为那天是个阳光普照的好天气,所以海滩看起来很美。

    Because it was a beautiful sunny day , the beach looked great .

  14. 法国南部阳光普照的海滨。

    The sundrenched beaches in the south of france .

  15. 梦想会让你镇定自若,直到早上阳光普照!

    Dreams will keep you anchored until the sun shines in the morning .

  16. 总会阳光普照。

    The sun will always shine ( sun won 't always shine ) .

  17. 阳光普照花苞含笑。

    Their flowers in bud smile in the sunbeam .

  18. 灿烂的阳光普照在田野上。

    The sun flings bright rays on the fields .

  19. 在阳光普照之下,出现了某种新事物。

    Something new has been born under the sun .

  20. 我居住在全年阳光普照的好莱坞迪斯尼乐园。

    I live in the land of Disney , Hollywood and year-round sun .

  21. 毕竟,阳光普照,妖孽遁逃。

    After all , sunlight is the best disinfectant .

  22. 整个镇子都在阳光普照之下。

    The whole town was all steeped in sunshine .

  23. 阳光普照,但我的心情并不好。

    The day was sunny , but I was in a bad mood .

  24. 阳光普照沙地,海浪尽情地四处飞溅。

    The sun glistened on the sand , and the sea waves broke waywardly .

  25. 我今年30岁,居住在非常乾燥阳光普照的城市。

    I am30 years and I live in a very dry and sunny city .

  26. 阳光普照的南法

    In the sun-drenched fields of southern France ,

  27. 在春天这里总是阳光普照。

    It 's always sunny here in Spring .

  28. 九月的阳光普照深蓝色的天空,撒满大地。薄雾如烟,与秋漫舞。

    The mist swirls and September sun shines through the deep-blue sky of September .

  29. 夏天的一个炎热的下午,明亮的阳光普照大地。

    It was a very hot summer afternoon . The sun was shining brightly .

  30. 在一个平静阳光普照的苏格兰盆地。

    In a quiet , sunny Scottish valley .