
  • 网络Amomum villosum;Amomum villosum Lour
阳春砂 [yáng chūn shā]
  • [Amomum villosum lour] 一种多年生草本植物,叶子条状披针形,花白色,蒴果椭圆形,种子棕红色或暗褐色。种子入中药,叫砂仁。产于广东省、广西壮族自治区等地

  1. 不同播种期阳春砂种子的发芽实验研究

    Experimental Study on Seed Germination of Amomum villosum Lour . Sowed at Different Time

  2. [目的]观察不同种类生物农药对阳春砂结果率和产量的影响。

    [ Objective ] To observe the influence of different kinds of biological pesticide on the fruiting rate and yield of Amomum villosum Lour .

  3. 结论ITS-1序列可对阳春砂的道地性作出鉴别,明显区分其伪品。

    Conclusion ITS-1 sequence can be used to confirm producing area of A. villosum , and find out its fake .

  4. 阳春砂的ITS序列分析

    ITS sequence analysis of Amomum villosum

  5. 目的调查阳春砂病虫害并研究其防治方法。

    Objective To investigate the disease and insect pest of Amomum villosum and research how making prevention and therapeutical .

  6. 对于小肠推进功能,5%浓度的阳春砂挥发油组及各水提液组与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05),余均有统计学意义(P<。.05),各组间无明显量效关系。

    There was no significant difference between the two groups and cisapride group ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  7. 但是,土壤中相关速效成分的丰缺会在一定程度上影响着阳春砂器官中六种营养元素的含量变化。

    But the amount of soil active nutrients would affect the changes of element contents in A. villosum in certain extent .

  8. 3.3道地产区阳春砂与云南、广西及商品阳春砂仁药材红外吸收峰值基本相同,在红外指纹图谱上未见明显区别。

    From genuine producing regions and Yunnan , Guangxi , products of Amomum villosum had the same infrared absorption peak , they had no significant difference in the IR fingerprint .

  9. [结果]阳春砂长果型与圆果型2个栽培品种在外观性状及花粉粒特征上存在差异。

    [ Results ] The two cultivated varieties of Amomum villosum in this area , long-fruit and round-fruit types , are quite different in the appearance and the characteristics of pollen .

  10. 调查当前我国阳春砂的资源分布、荫蔽状况、授粉特征、种植及产量状况,为阳春砂种质资源研究提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the updated distribution , habitat conditions , cultivation and output of Amomum villosum ( AV ) in China , thus provide evidences for the germplasm resources research of AV .

  11. 4.2初步建立道地产区阳春砂商品规格量化方法,结果具有一定参考性,为阳春砂药材的商品鉴别提供新的思路。

    Essential oil . 4.2 Preliminary establishing quantitative method of Amomum villosum Lour . product specification from genuine producing regions , the results have some reference value , new ideas for identification of Amomum villosum Lour .