
  1. 超临界CO2萃取九叶青花椒和大红袍花椒挥发油的化学成分分析及香气比较

    Study on chemical components and aromas of two species of volatile oils extracted by the method of supercritical CO_2 from Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim

  2. 韩城大红袍花椒挥发油化学成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Volatile oil from Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim in Hancheng by GC-MS

  3. 大红袍花椒丰产性强,喜肥抗旱,但不耐水湿不耐寒,适宜在海拔干旱山区和丘陵区的梯田、台地、坡地和沟谷地栽培。

    Dahongpao pepper yield strong , hi fat drought and wet but not cold intolerance , dry fit at an altitude of terraced mountains and hilly areas , terraces , slopes and valley cultivation .

  4. 大红袍花椒以“穗大粒多、皮厚肉丰、色泽鲜艳、香味浓郁、麻味适中”而久负“中华名椒”之盛誉。

    Dahongpao pepper to " big spike and more grains , meat , thick-skinned rich , bright color , rich flavor , taste Ma moderate " and has long " Chinese Name Law " reputation .

  5. 1994年,该县河滩“大红袍”花椒曾荣获甘肃省名优特产品金奖。

    In1994 , the county flood " Big Red " pepper was famous and special products in Gansu Province won the gold medal .