
dà wàn
  • star ;big shot;heavyweight;top-notch artist
大腕 [dà wàn]
  • [distinguished personage in literature and art] 对文艺界中造诣极高,能在整个演出中起主导作用的人士的称呼

  1. 与其它规模较小的鞋类和服饰公司一样,Sole面对的是大型竞争者,包括DCShoes、Vans和业界大腕耐克(Nike)。

    Like other , smaller shoe and apparel companies , Sole is up against big competitors , including DC Shoes , Vans and industry heavyweight Nike .

  2. 从会话含义理论看电影对白的字幕翻译&以《大腕》为个案研究

    Conversational Implicature Theory and Subtitle Translation of Film Dialogues : & a Case Study of Big Shot 's Funeral

  3. 她是歌剧界的一位大腕。

    She 's one of the leading lights in the opera world .

  4. 大腕·赵那天借给我一些DVD。

    Dawan Zhao lent me some DVDs the other day .

  5. 但你却绝听不到哪怕是最大腕的乡村音乐歌星的热门歌曲,也找不到他们的CD。

    But you never hear hits by even the biggest country stars , nor can you find their CDs here .

  6. 节目组继续寻找大腕,请来了詹妮弗·洛佩兹(JenniferLopez)和史蒂文·泰勒(StevenTyler)。

    The show fished for star power and cred with Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler .

  7. 雅虎董事会聘用玛丽莎-梅耶尔为CEO的一大原因是其在硅谷与科技大腕们深厚的人脉关系。

    A key reason why Yahoo 's board hired Marissa Mayer as its CEO was her deep-reaching social and professional connections through Silicon Valley .

  8. 大名鼎鼎的咨询委员会中,就包括了香港汉雅轩画廊(HanartTZGallery)老板张颂仁(JohnsonChang)、林明珠(PearlLam)以及收藏家西尔万勒维夫妇(DominiqueandSylvainLevy)等众多大腕。

    An influential advisory committee includes Johnson Chang of Hanart TZ gallery , Pearl Lam and collectors Dominique and Sylvain Levy .

  9. 和headhoncho(大腕)、bigcheese(大人物)和bigenchilada(大亨)类似,这个词组的意思是一个团体或组织的领导。

    top banana Similar to head honcho , big cheese or big enchilada , the term top banana refers to the leader of a group or organization .

  10. 是的。那么,让我们从大腕MileyCyrus开始。

    Well , let 's get started with the big to who know , Miley Cyrus .

  11. 从人民日报社的新大楼到明星大腕纸醉金迷的婚礼,到新款的金色iPhone,一切都可以被形容为土豪。

    It 's being used to describe everything from the new People 's Daily building , to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling , and the new gold-coloured iPhone .

  12. 最近,谷歌从Netflix和派拉蒙(Paramount)招揽了好几位做内容的大腕。

    It has recently hired several big names – all " content " people & from companies like Netflix ( NFlx ) and paramount .

  13. 史托克俱乐部(StorkClub)发明了一个“俱乐部中的俱乐部”的点子。这个俱乐部会给明星大腕专门开一个房间,好让他们躲开粉丝的围追堵截。

    Exclusive and super-exclusive The old Stork Club invented the idea of a club-within-a-club when it opened the Cub Room for celebrities to hide out from the hoi polloi .

  14. 即使那些大腕级批评家也未必真的对他们自己的论调深信不疑,因为他们大多数都是MBA教材的出版者,他们所传播的部分知识是MBA教育机构仍在继续运用的。

    Even the guru critics may not really be convinced of their own arguments as most are established publishers of MBA textbooks , providing some of the knowledge on which the MBA enterprise continues to operate .

  15. 此次iTunesRadio增添了一个名叫Beats1的现场频道,由诸如前BBC制作人赞恩·罗维(ZaneLowe)这样的业界大腕负责。

    The radio service has added a live station , called Beats 1 , that is curated by major names in the music industry , like the former BBC producer Zane Lowe .

  16. 但为了和谐节日主题,在网球赛季辞旧迎新之际,我们列出了下列ATP和WTA的大腕,谨致我们的谢意。

    But in keeping with the theme of the holiday , let 's make a short list of certain ATP and WTA icons we should be thankful for as the tennis year comes grinding to a halt .

  17. 所有内容贯穿整个常规赛,全明星赛,季后赛和总决赛,通过多种形式,例如名人大腕的短视频和流媒体,向大众呈现最新的NBA潮流和新闻。

    The content will be available throughout the regular season , NBA All-Star , the NBA Playoffs and The Finals , bringing the latest NBA trends and news through various interactive formats , such as short videos and livestreaming by celebrities and influencers .

  18. 第二排就座的顶级大腕当属瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino)。安娜・温图尔坐在第二排引发了时尚圈的一阵窃窃私语,不过她放弃第一排座位是为了和她带来的一位嘉宾坐在一起。最令人兴奋的回归

    Best-second-row honors go to Valentino : Anna Wintour 's second-row seat caused a fashion buzz , but she gave up a front-row seat to join a guest she brought along . Fondest Return

  19. 黛安.冯芙丝汀宝是一位时尚界和设计界的大腕。她创立的DVF是一个非常昂贵和受欢迎的品牌。

    Diane von Furstenberg is a highly known and respected fashion icon and designer , her line the House of DVF is a very expensive and popular brand .

  20. 剧中的大腕之一特德·丹森(TedDanson)将转至衍生剧《犯罪现场调查:网络》(CSI:Cyber),和他搭档的是今年获得奥斯卡的帕特丽夏·阿凯特(PatriciaArquette)。

    One of the show 's biggest stars , Ted Danson , will move to a spinoff show , " CSI : Cyber , " where he will star alongside a recent Academy Award winner , Patricia Arquette .

  21. 泰国44岁的肥皂剧大腕TakonkietViravan制作的《天使之争》和其他节目已经成为中国小荧屏上的大热门。他说,我很吃惊。

    ' I 'm amazed , 'says Takonkiet Viravan , the44-year-old Thai soap opera svengali who produced'Battle of the Angels'and other shows now making it big on the small screen in China .

  22. 这是一场令人目眩神迷的盛会,到场的全是媒体和艺术界的大腕。当这部电视剧的创作者阿伦•索尔金(AaronSorkin)温和地宣布,这部作品是给传媒界的“情书”时,来宾们发出会心的轻笑。

    This was a glitzy , fascinating affair , full of big names in the media and arts , who duly purred with pleasure when Aaron Sorkin , the series ' creator , silkily declared that his show was intended as a " love letter " to the media world .

  23. 化妆、时尚、健康、DIY、美食、人类利益和旅行空间的大腕人物,都会在这个网站发布原创内容,并传播到YouTube、Dailymotion、Roku、PlutoTV、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Snapchat、Pinterest和Tumblr等社交媒体上。

    The network will produce original content from a variety of big-name creators in the beauty , fashion , wellness , DIY , food , human interest and travel spaces , which will be distributed across YouTube , Dailymotion , Roku , Pluto TV , Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Snapchat , Pinterest and Tumblr .

  24. 好莱坞的大腕们是他们的老师!

    With some of Hollywood 's biggest names as their teachers !

  25. 如果你想和大腕一起混,我的孩子。

    If you wanna shred with the big dogs , son .

  26. 今年海洋节不邀请明星大腕!

    This year the sea festival does not invite the star jorum !

  27. 上海足球俱乐部重金投资大腕外国球员。

    Shanghai Football Club invests heavily in big-name foreign players .

  28. 传媒大腕杨澜为特奥会筹资。

    Media guru Yang Lan raises money for Specia .

  29. 1997:吧台隔壁坐的可能是大腕儿。

    8-1997 : The guy next to you in the bar is Coolio .

  30. 据说他的父亲是演艺界的大腕人物。

    It is said that his father is somebody in the show business .