
  • 网络training
  1. 消防队员大练兵是一项大强度、大运动量的训练,会使消防队员身体机能产生变化,出现疲劳状态。

    Fireman big training is a great intensity , the great physiological load of exercise training , will cause the fireman body function to have the change , will have the state of fatigue .

  2. 建立在职民警开展大练兵长效机制的思考

    Considerations in Establishing Long-Term System to Train In-Service Police

  3. 总结民警大练兵工作探索集约型训练机制

    An Exploration of an Intensive Training Mechanism

  4. 我国职工体育社团组织培育机制分析总结民警大练兵工作探索集约型训练机制

    A Training Mechanism Analysis of Physical Mass Organizations by Workers and Staff Members in China

  5. 扬州市总工会等单位在全市职工中开展十万职工大练兵、十大行业大比武技能竞赛活动。

    Yangzhou city federation of trade unions launches a program of skills competition among all the workers in the city , named as trainings and competition among ten thousand workers .

  6. 这次大赛是对全国酿酒行业白酒品酒技能队伍的一次大检阅,也是提高酿酒行业职工整体素质的一次大练兵,更是对全面提升全国白酒企业竞争力的一次有力促进。

    The contest was regarded as a review of the present liquor tasting team , a professional practice of the whole liquor-making workers , and a vigorous advance in liquor-making enterprise competitiveness .