
dǎ shǒu xīn
  • beat the palm
打手心[dǎ shǒu xīn]
  1. 数万名黑人男性因为微小的过错坐牢,而犯同样过错的白人男性受到的责罚不会比打手心重多少。

    Tens of thousands of black men are in jail for offences that merit little more than a slap on the wrist for their white counterparts .

  2. 我听说一些老教师喜欢打学生的手心,如果他们犯错了的话。

    Lily : I heard that some old teachers loved to beat the palm of students if they did anything wrong .

  3. 当老师用藤条打我的手心以示惩戒时,我感到震惊,但转念一想,至少这表示他们接受了我,对我一视同仁。

    I was shocked when the teacher hit my hand with a stick to punish me , but then decided that at least it meant they were accepting me and not treating me differently .