
  • 网络Fowling;Shoot The Birds;bird
  1. 不过霰弹打鸟、投资太过分散也不是高明的策略。

    Spreading your bets further is not a good strategy .

  2. 小孩掷石头打鸟。

    The boy threw a stone at the bird .

  3. 他总是扔石打鸟。

    He is always throwing stones at birds .

  4. 有钱商人打鸟的地方。

    Rich businessmen shooting captive birds .

  5. 近日,市民宁先生向本报透露了他亲眼目睹的打鸟一幕。

    Recently , dicast rather the Sir revealed to this report he personally witnesses of tie bird one act .

  6. 如果上苍将我的右手变成了弹弓,那我就用它来打鸟,烧烤来吃;

    If Heaven conjured my right hand into a stone sling , I would use it to shoot bird and toast the bird .

  7. “鸟尽弓藏”这则成语的原意是指鸟被打光了,打鸟的弹弓就没用了,也该收藏起来。

    The idiom " niao Jin Gong cang " literally means when there are no birds to shoot , the slingshot becomes useless and is put away .

  8. 他显然有打鸟的爱好,根据警方的描述,他组装的枪支能够“将6米远的啤酒瓶打出一个洞”。

    He apparently had a fondness for hunting birds and police described his contraption as capable of " shooting a hole in a beer bottle 6m away . "

  9. 至于吃的,我至今还未想出办法如何为自己提供食物。在我打鸟的地方,曾见过两三只野兔似的动物从树林里跑出来。

    As for food , I yet saw not which way to supply my self , except that I had seen two or three creatures like hares run out of the wood where I shot the fowl .

  10. 因为我在这方面吃过不少苦头。我曾经使出全身本领:拿大顶、兔子蹦、投石打鸟,好不容易才使一个女孩注意我一个月。

    With all the trouble I had , myself , having to stand on my head and work my legs , or bung stones at cherrybirds , to keep the attention of just one girl for a month .

  11. 他几乎用不到主人家邀请,便自己留下来吃饭;他还没有告辞,便又顺应着班纳特太太的意思,将计就计,约定明天来跟她丈夫打鸟。

    He scarcely needed an invitation to stay supper ; and before he went away , an engagement was formed , chiefly through his own and Mrs. Bennet 's means , for his coming next morning to shoot with her husband .

  12. 最重要的是,“枪打出头鸟”,他叔叔最后成了FBI调查的目标。

    Most importantly , junior is set up as the target of an FBI investigation of the family .

  13. 枪打出头鸟,你只能面对现实。

    I mean everything that could go wrong did go wrong .

  14. 部分原因是由于他们更容易成为高级安全性攻击的靶子。正所谓枪打出头鸟。

    Partly because they 're the target of often more advanced security attacks , they 're the sharp end of the stick .

  15. 他们再也没有回来。要去打鹬鸟的地方,他们得经过一片沼泽地,三个人都陷进了泥沼。

    They never came back * In crossing the moor to their favorite snipe-shooting ground they were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog .

  16. 他开枪打那只鸟,但是没打中。

    He tried to shoot at the bird , but missed .

  17. 远射打不中鸟。

    Far shooting never killed birds .

  18. 加里的枪法很差劲,你不要指望他能打下许多鸟。

    Gary is a bad shot . You can 't expect him to bring down many birds .

  19. 猎人们打下了许多鸟。

    The hunters got down a number of birds .

  20. 瞄准一只鸟打,不要射击鸟群。

    Aim at one bird , don 't blaze into the brown .

  21. 我们将请埃利森参加,但他是个很差劲的射手,打不下多少鸟来。由于鄂温克族精于骑射,清政府常常抽调他们出征作战,于是索伦劲旅闻天下。

    We 'll ask Ellison to join us . But he 's a bad shot and won 't bring down many birds . As the Ewenki were proficient in riding and shooting , the Qing government often transferred them to fight , Suo Lun powerful enemy well known .