
  1. 高夫说,这部剧只凭一幕车库中的打戏就卖给了CBS。

    The show , Mr. Gough said , was sold to CBS on the strength of a single fight scene in a garage .

  2. 第一季有6集,12场打戏。

    The first season is just six episodes and 12 fights .

  3. 吴彦祖通常连续几天有很多场打戏,要兼顾两个镜头。

    Wu was often doubling up on days , going to both shoots .

  4. 我在一月份的时候开始和特技替身演员和打戏团队进行训练。

    I started training in January with the stunt guys and the fight team .

  5. 你能对这一部电影以及那一部电影做个比较,说说两场打戏有多不同吗?

    Can you compare this film to that one and how different are the fight scenes ?

  6. 在荧幕上,有多少其它的女演员在打戏上敢自称是史泰龙的对手?

    How many other actresses can boast an on-screen kill count rivaling that of Sylvester Stallone ?

  7. 还有一场也许是最近5年来最精彩的打戏。

    It 's also got one of the greatest fight sequences in probably the last five years .

  8. 她还表示,希望能在其以后的作品中扮演更老练,有更多打戏的角色。

    She also expressed the desire to work in the future play a more sophisticated , more fight scenes role .

  9. 彭于晏的帅气固然毋庸置疑,但对于这样一部再现一代宗师传奇人生的影片,观众们势必会关注他在打戏上的表现。

    Handsome though Peng is , audiences " focus and expectations will probably still be on how he reinterprets the character in fight scenes .

  10. 我和白幽灵的打戏与《幽灵的威胁》中的打戏有很大不同。

    RP : The fight scene that I 've done with Storm Shadow is a lot different than the fight scene in'The Phantom Menace .

  11. 他不想在这部剧里重复自己以前的打戏模式,他希望该片的故事情节、角色能比只追求功夫酷炫的片子更能引发观众的共鸣。

    He didn 't want to do a reboot of something , and he hopes the storylines and characters resonate more with the audience than the cool action sequences do .

  12. 施瓦辛格还给这张照片配上了文字:拍《敢死队2》和《最后的战役》时经历了那么多打戏、特技和受伤,是时候该让我的肩膀放松一下了。

    Schwarzenegger accompanied the shot by saying : ' After all the action , stunts and physical abuse shooting The Expendables 2 and The Last Stand , it was time for a little tune up on my shoulder .

  13. 在一场罗德斯给铁人(他当时正在和F-22猛禽战斗机过招)打电话的戏里,你可以看见他拿电话的那只手上戴着一枚显眼的金戒指。

    In the scene where Rhodes calls Iron Man ( who 's flying with the F-22 's ), you can see a big gold ring on the hand that he 's holding the phone in .

  14. 他们有共同的志趣&两人都喜爱踢足球,打落袋(撞球戏)和喝啤酒。

    They 're birds of a feather-they both like football , snooker and drinking beer .

  15. 尹越的兴趣广泛,有许多的爱好,比如唱歌,看书,打鼓,弹琴等等。他们有共同的志趣&两人都喜爱踢足球,打落袋(撞球戏)和喝啤酒。

    Kitty Yin has many hobbies , such as singing , reading , playing drum and playing the piano . They 're birds of a feather-they both like football , snooker and drinking beer .