
dǎ dǐ
  • priming;bottoming;render;lay a foundation;draft;quiet;eat before drink
打底 [dǎ dǐ]
  • (1) [eat before drink]∶先吃少量食物再饮酒

  • (2) [quiet]∶心里踏实

  • 这几天他心里总有些不打底

  • (3) [draft;lay a foundation]∶打下基础

打底[dǎ dǐ]
  1. 主要经营针织服装中东,非洲,韩女装、主要生产女式T恤,吊带衫,连衣裙,打底衫,雪纺衫,裙子,裤子等。

    Mainly engaged in knitted garment Middle East , Africa , South Korea Women , the main production of women 's T-shirt , halter top , dress , bottoming shirt , chiffon shirts , skirts , pants and so on .

  2. 而西式婚礼主色调是他们认为最纯洁的白色,请柬多数以全白或较浅素色打底,上面印上银色的文字和图案,对比上不如中式那么强烈,给人简洁、宁静和优雅的感觉。

    The Western-style wedding main colors are white they think the most pure , most invitations to all plain white or shallow bottoming , silver printed on top of the text and images , contrast is inferior to Chinese so strong , giving people simple , quiet and elegant feeling .

  3. 和其他水果的鲜切片混合后,冷冻香蕉可以作为很好的打底来制作厚重、冰凉的水果奶昔和低脂“冰激淋”。

    When combined with berries of slices of other fruits , frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick , cooling fruit shakes and low fat " ice cream " .

  4. 容器制造中CO2焊打底焊的焊接工艺

    Backing welding procedure with carbon - dioxide arc welding in manufacture of pressure vessel

  5. 低碳钢管TIG打底焊的焊丝选用

    Welding Wire Selection of TIG Primary Welding of Low Carbon Steel Pipe

  6. PWT-CWS.02NRT打底与RMS填盖焊接技术(一)

    Backing weld and filling weld by PWT-CWS . 02NRT ( 1 )

  7. 基于嵌入式DSP视觉伺服平台的管道MIG打底焊焊缝成形控制

    Weld seam formation control of root pass for pipeline MIG welding based on an embedded DSP visual servo platform

  8. 我会穿Splendid瑜伽裤,还会带几件轻便的打底衣裤,以免飞机里太冷或太热。

    I wear splendid yoga pants and bring several lightweight layers in case the plane gets too hot or too cold .

  9. 研究了用于T91钢管打底焊的碱性渣系药芯焊丝。

    Basic flux-cored wire for backing weld to T91 tube was studied in this paper .

  10. STT全位置自动打底焊机的研制

    The Development of An All - Position Automatic Welder with STT Technology for Pipe Backing Weld

  11. Ni-Al合金丝作为打底材料时,涂层与基体之间的结合效果较好。

    When Ni-Al was used as the bonding material , there are excellent bonding effect between the coating and the substrate .

  12. 具有打底油墨的半色调印刷品的Clapper-Yule模型

    Clapper-Yule Spectral Color Prediction Model of Ground Color Ink Halftone Prints

  13. 结果表明,等离子喷涂Ni-3%Al粉末会对PMC基体造成破坏,不适合于作为PMC基体上的打底材料。

    The results showed that plasma sprayed Ni-3 % Al powder would damage the PMC substrate and was not suitable for bonding ceramic coating on PMC substrate .

  14. 在此基础上介绍了所研制的STT全位置自动打底焊机,包括整机机械和电气2部分。

    Based on it , the STT all-position welder is introduced , which includes two parts : the mechanism and electrical parts .

  15. 采用药芯焊丝对奥氏体不锈钢管道进行打底焊接,MAG焊填充及盖面焊,立向上的水平固定全位置焊接。

    Flux-cored wire is applied to the austenitic stainless steel pipe by back weld , MAG for the filling and cosmetic weld , at horizontal fixed round welding vertically up .

  16. 该焊机拥有2套自动焊接装置,1套用于TIG打底焊,1套用于CO2填充盖面焊,完全可以满足方钻杆对焊接质量的要求;

    It has two sets of automatic welding devices , of which one is used for TIG back welding and the other is used for CO2 filling capping welding . It can completely meet the demand of kelly bar on welding quality .

  17. 打底焊是管道焊接中的一个重要步骤,近年来MIG(惰性气体保护电弧焊)焊凭借其生产效率高、便于操作等特点受到了焊接工作者的重视。

    Backing welding is a very vital step in pipeline , MIG ( Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding ) has been paid more and more attention by virtue of its high efficiency and user-friendly feature recently .

  18. 针对大型啤酒发酵罐体的结构特点和使用性能要求,开发了一种双面互保护TIG焊打底,MAG自动焊盖面的新工艺。

    Based on the special structure and performance requirement of large-size beer fermentation tanks , a new welding process is designed , in which double-side TIG welding is adopted for back welding , and automatic MAG welding for cosmetic welding .

  19. Jeggings(牛仔样式打底紧身裤)指看上去像紧身牛仔裤风格的打底裤,jeggings这个词就是jeans(牛仔裤)和leggings(打底紧身裤)两个词的合成词。

    Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans , it is the blending of the word " jeans " with the word " leggings " .

  20. 对,这就是jeggings。Jeggings(牛仔样式打底紧身裤)指看上去像紧身牛仔裤风格的打底裤,jeggings这个词就是jeans(牛仔裤)和leggings(打底紧身裤)两个词的合成词。

    Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans , it is the blending of the word " jeans " with the word " leggings . "

  21. 一碗toripaitansoba(880日元)会为你揭开长队的秘密——光滑细腻的鸡汤打底,热气腾腾的拉面配有鸡肉和时令蔬菜。

    Join them to sample the revelatory tori paitan soba ( 880 yen ) , a steaming bowl of chicken , seasonal vegetables and noodles in a creamy chicken-based broth .

  22. 研究了采用Ni-3%Al粉末和纯铝、纯锌作为打底材料在碳纤维增强聚酰亚胺复合材料(PMC)基体上制备Al2O3轻质陶瓷防护涂层的可行性,测试了涂层的剪切结合强度和耐热循环性能。

    Feasibility of depositing Al 2O 3 coating on carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite ( PMC ) with Ni-3 % Al powder , aluminum or zinc as the bond layer was investigated . Shear strength and thermal cycling resistance of the coatings were tested .

  23. 证明了在风口上喷涂金属-陶瓷梯度热障涂层的可行性以及利用HVOF打底层制备金属-陶瓷热障层的优势。

    The feasibility of metal-ceramic gradient coating on the work surface of BF tuyere was proved , and the superiority of HVOF tie coating on the work surface of BF tuyere was confirmed .

  24. 采用全位置脉冲TIG焊技术对小口径钢管环缝进行焊接,焊接采用TIG焊打底+TIG填丝的多层焊工艺,分析了打底焊及每层填丝焊接完成后的打底层焊缝组织。

    The small diameter steel pipe was welded by the technique of the full circumference pulse TIG welding , using the procedure of the backing TIG welding and filler rod TIG welding . The paper analyzed the weld seam structures of backing welding and each filler rod welding .

  25. 35mm平板对接埋弧焊焊接中,通过工艺改造免除了打底和清根工序,减小填充面积17.7%,综合焊接效率提高约50%。

    In the pulse submerged arc welding of 35mm plate , the processes of backing weld and back gouging are removed , the filling area is reduced by 17.7 % , so the comprehensive efficiency increases by about 50 % .

  26. 在苏丹管线用螺旋埋弧焊管生产过程中,根据钢级及强度匹配要求,选用J557焊条作为打底焊材料。

    During the manufacturing of SSAW pipe for Sudan pipeline , J557 electrode shall be applied as bottom weld materials according to the matched requirement of grade and strength .

  27. 在面部所有皮肤涂抹粉底液来打底。

    Apply a foundation all over your skin as a base .

  28. (石或砖上)打底的灰泥,底灰。

    First layer of plaster ( on stone or brick )

  29. 氩弧焊打底技术在燃气管道施工中的应用

    Application of Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding Technology In Gas Piping Construction

  30. 我今天就来打底稿。

    I 'm going to make sketches for it today .