
dǎ qì tǒnɡ
  • inflater;tire pump;pump
  1. 别人借给我一个打气筒,又帮我补好了轮胎。

    Somebody else lent me a pump and helped me mend the puncture

  2. 需要一个打气筒来给自行车轮胎里充足气。

    You 'll need a bicycle pump to keep the tyres topped up with air .

  3. 阿丹:我想要买一个新的脚踏车打气筒。

    Dan : I want to buy a new bicycle pump .

  4. 她用自行车打气筒给瘪了的轮胎打气。

    She blew up the flat tyre with a bicycle pump .

  5. 您能借我一个打气筒给我的车胎打气吗?

    Can you lend me a pump to blow my bicycle tyre ?

  6. 你有没有脚踏车的打气筒?

    Do you have a pumper for bicycle tires ?

  7. 哦,还有相搭配的手提箱和打气筒吗?

    Ooh , with the matching briefcase and pumps ?

  8. 自行车打气筒把空气打进轮胎里。

    A bicycle pump puts air into the tires .

  9. 那个打气筒是用来给玩偶充气。

    The pump was probably for the doll .

  10. 这正是自行车打气筒的情况。

    And that really is the bicycle pump .

  11. 说明,阐明;表明老师把心脏比作打气筒(抽水机),说明了它的功能。

    illustrate The teacher compared the heart to a pump to illustrate its function .

  12. 如有自行车打气筒,则对准小孔逐个吹一下效果更佳。

    If bicycle pump , then the alignment hole-by-blow look at a better effect .

  13. 邻居经常借我家的打气筒。

    The neighbor often borrowed my inflator .

  14. 他将心脏比作打气筒(抽水机)有助于孩子们了解心脏的作用。

    His comparison of the heart to a pump helped the children understand its action .

  15. 他有一个自行车打气筒。

    He has a bicycle pump .

  16. 上次我举打气筒的例子,是不太恰当的。

    That example I gave last time with the bicycle pump was not quite the right example .

  17. 我随身带着修理工具和打气筒,这样我可以随时补胎。

    I carried a repair kit12 and pump with me so I could mend tires on the go .

  18. 随车型打气筒是一种自行车打气筒的技术改进。

    The utility model discloses an air inflating cylinder incorporated with bicycle which is an improvement of bicycle inflator technique .

  19. 常见的打气筒,由于结构问题和防窃问题没有解决,因此没有一种适宜携带在自行车上。

    The common inflator does not solve the structure problem and the theft-proof problem , so no one is suitable to carry on the bicycle .

  20. 有一天,4岁的女儿突然告诉我说:爸爸,我们的打气筒里面的气用完了怎么办?

    One day , my four-year-old daughter suddenly told me : Papa , what shall we do if the air of our inflator is used up ?

  21. 澳大利亚墨尔本的科学家们让人的血液流过动物的肺,并用换气扇和打气筒帮助动物的肺存活并呼吸。

    Scientists in Melbourne , Australia , used a ventilator and pump to keep the animal lungs alive and " breathing " while human blood flowed in them .

  22. 我们用力很大,于是压缩得很快,打气筒内外热传递的速度,与之相比要慢得多。

    You do it so quickly that the heat flow between the inside of the bicycle pump and the outside is too slow compared to the speed at which you compress .

  23. 气体增压泵浦是一种打气筒,它是利用被压缩的空气来驱动在尚未达到平衡时的供给压进行循环性的打气,以提高输出侧的气体压力。

    An High pressure Gas Booster is an air pump that is driven by part of the incoming compressed air supply enabling it to cycle and pump the unbalance of the supply to a higher output pressure .