
  • 网络pile driving barge;Floating Pile Driver;piling ship
  1. 介绍打桩船的工作原理,讨论了GPS-RTK放样中坐标转换参数的求解,对GPS-RTK放样精度进行分析,并与全站仪实测结果比较。

    With the analysis of the pile driving barge process principles and discuss the equations of the GPS-RTK coordinates conversion technology parameters , the layout accuracy of the GPS-RTK method is analyzed and compared with the measured results of total station instrument .

  2. 回转式打桩船结构强度分析

    Analysis of Structural Strength of Revolving Floating Pile Driver

  3. 本文介绍了杭州湾跨海大桥控制测量技术,讨论了在近海区利用全站仪对常规打桩船打桩的测量技术和在离海岸较远时利用GPS打桩系统打桩的方法。

    In the paper , the surveying technique of the bridge is introduced , the application of total station instrument in piling of Hangzhou Bay Major Bridge is discussed .

  4. 针对某打桩船的改造设计,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS,对不同方案进行了结构强度的计算与载荷应力分析。

    Aiming at the reconstruction design of a floating pile driver , the paper has calculated the structural strength and analyzed the load stress for different finite element models by resorting to ansys of the finite element software .

  5. 打桩船桩架加高改造探索

    The discussion on rebuild of driving frame on floating pile driver

  6. 利用浮托力弥补打桩船吊装能力的不足

    Application of Buoyancy to Remedy Inadequacy of Lifting Capacity of Piling Barge

  7. 某打桩船桩架强度计算及分析

    Strength calculation and analysis on pile holder of a floating pile driver

  8. 打桩船桩架变幅和抱桩液压控制系统

    The Hydraulic Pressure Control Systemof Piling Atteration of Extent and Holding Pile

  9. 打桩船航工桩一号桩架强度分析

    Analysis of the Strength of the Pile-Driving Frame of HANG-GONG No. 1

  10. 打桩船桩架强度计算编程设计介绍

    Program development for strength calculation of pile holders of pile driving vessel

  11. 打桩船桩架结构强度有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Pile Holder Structure Strength of Pile Driving Vessel

  12. 打桩船桩架载荷的模拟与结构加固

    Load Simulation and Structure Reinforcement for Pile Driving Frame of Piling Barge

  13. 打桩船吊锤绞车防落锤控制的研究

    The Research of Preventing Hammer Sinking about Suspending Hammer Winch in Piling Barge

  14. 93米打桩船桩架的起立工况分析

    The Analyse of Standing Scene for Pile Holder of 93 m Pile Driver

  15. 计算机辅助打桩船撑杆设计

    Computer aided design for stay bar of piling ship

  16. 关于打桩船改造设计中的一些考虑

    Approach to the rebuilding design of pile driver

  17. 运用打桩船进行水冲沉桩

    Pile Jetting by Using Pile Driving Vessel

  18. 浅谈打桩船桩架的改装设计

    Conversion design of pile driving boat

  19. 本文论述了打桩船改造设计的可能性和打桩船桩架改造的几种形式及其计算中碰到的问题。

    This paper describes the design feasibility of pile driving boat conversion , different ways of conversion and calculation problems .

  20. 这是一套融检测技术、计算机技术和电液比例控制技术为一体的新方案,较好地解决了各类打桩船多年长期未能解决的窜桩引起的落锤问题。

    This system integrated the test technology , computer technology and electro-hydraulic proportional technology . It solved the problem of hammer sinking which can 't be solved for many years .

  21. 该设备也可作为打桩船、地质勘探船、爆破挤淤装药船、钻孔船等使用,适用于多种水下基础施工工程。

    The equipment is suitable for various underwater projects and can also be used as pile - driving ship , geology survey ship , charge ship for mud extrusion by explosion , drilling ship , and etc.

  22. 通过大量资料的搜集、阅读及对相关技术的研究,本文就如何将嵌入式系统的软硬件技术应用到打桩船液压控制系统中,从理论和技术方法上进行了研究与尝试。

    Through the collection of a large amount of materials , the research of reading and relevant technology , the author discussed how to apply the embedded system in designing the Hydraulic Control System of Piling Barge .