
  • 网络tamping machine;tamper;tamping wagon
  1. 08-32捣固车作业电气救援系统的研制

    Design and Development of the Rescue System for Electric System of Tamper 08 - 32

  2. 08-32捣固车采用封闭线路作业模式,为保证铁路的畅通,严格限定了作业时间。

    Tamper 08-32 works in area of closed corridor , so operation time is strictly limited to guarantee the railway unblocked .

  3. 研究了基于嵌入式μClinux和GPRS的无线通信系统,实现了GPRS无线通信功能,为捣固车与监控中心进行通信提供无线传输通道。

    Studied the wireless communication system based on μ Clinux OS and GPRS technology , realized the function of GPRS wireless communication .

  4. 为了实现捣固车连续工作,AGC系统必须具备较强的实时数据处理及交换能力。

    To ensure the tamper machine works uninterruptedly , the AGC system must have the powerful ability to process and exchange data in real time .

  5. 针对捣固车远程监控系统通信服务器的设计与要求,设计了一种非阻塞NIO模式的通信服务器。

    A non-blocking NIO mode of communication server is designed for server design and development issues of the remote monitoring system of tamping machine .

  6. 捣固车是主要大型养路机械之一,对其研制的关键技术是捣固车自动引导(AGC)系统。

    As one of the large-scale maintenance machinery , the tamping machine is used to railway conservation . Automatic Guidance Computer system ( AGC ) is the key technology on the tamping machine .

  7. 经过一系列综合测试和实际应用结果,表明本文设计的AGC系统界面运行良好,功能实用性强,完全可以满足捣固车作业的需要。

    After a series of comprehensive tests and practical applications of AGC system , the results show that the AGC system interface run well , features are practical , fully meet the needs of tamping machine operation .

  8. NYD1型及DYD1型液压捣固车

    NYD_1 and DYD_1 Hydraulic Tamping Machine

  9. 16镐液压捣固车技术问题的分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement on technique of 16-pickaxe hydraulic pressure tamping car

  10. 基于嵌入式技术的捣固车电气控制系统

    Electric control system of tamping machine based on embeded system

  11. 捣固车液压油温度自动控制散热系统设计

    Radiation system design for tamping trucks via automatic hydraulic oil temperature control

  12. 捣固车拨道控制系统数字化改造

    Digital Rebuild of Shift Control System in Tamping Machine

  13. 08&32型捣固车激光拨道系统

    Laser lining system of 08 32 tamping machine

  14. 08-32捣固车电气系统在线监测与故障诊断系统

    On - line monitoring and fault diagnosis system for electric system of 08 - 32 tamper

  15. 为了解决这个问题,原有的捣固车电气控制系统在各个环节中加入了电位器。

    The old solution is adding potentiometers to each link of the electrical control system in tamping machine .

  16. 作为主要维护线路大型养路机械之一的抄平起拨道捣固车也面临着新的挑战。

    One of the most important large road maintenance machines , the leveling-lifting-lining-tamping machine also faces a big challenge .

  17. 本文结合捣固车的工作特点,对捣固车远程测控系统进行整体设计,包括:车载控制器、地面监控中心和无线通信链路。

    The system consists of three subsystems : the Onboard Controller System , the Ground Supervision Center , and wireless Communication System .

  18. 对改进后的国产连续式捣固车进行了试验,验证了改进方案在样车上应用的合理性。

    The experiment on the improved homemade Continuous tamping machine was carried on . And the experiment verified that the improved case of the prototype is reasonable .

  19. 以自动抄平起拨道捣固车的控制程序为例,介绍了多线程机制在工业控制领域的应用。

    The paper takes the control programme of the tamper as an example , introducing the application of multi threaded mechanism in the field of industrial control .

  20. 捣固车是一种大型的铁路养路机械,其电气部分担负着各种作业的控制任务,是整车的大脑。

    The rammed car is a kind of large-scale road maintenance machinery in railroad , and its electricity section shoulders the control tasks of all the works and is the cerebrum of the vehicle .

  21. 液力机械传动在车辆领域应用广泛,它能使车辆具备较好的高速区间行驶性能,但由于缺乏固定速比,不能满足捣固车作业时车速稳定的要求。

    Hydro-mechanical transmission is used widely in vehicles , which enable high-speed vehicle with better performance on interval . But it can not satisfy the requirement of steady operating speed because lack of a fixed ratio .

  22. 对元件的型号、性能参数、控制方式进行了合理的配置,设计了行车制动单元,避免车辆制动、下长大坡道时可能引起的发动机飞车;3.对08-32捣固车的加速性能进行了重点研究。

    Types , performance parameters , control modes of components are allocated rationally . Braking unit is set to prevent over running in engine when vehicle is braking or driving from ramp . 3 . Accelerating performance of tamper 08-32 is emphatically studied .

  23. 在对铁路线路进行封锁施工时,为解决0832捣固车出现电气系统故障,影响线路正点开通的问题,应用计算机技术和故障诊断理论,设计了0832捣固车电气系统在线监测和故障诊断系统。

    The railway would not run on schedule if 08-32 tamper takes place electric troubles while it maintains railway in blockading time . For solving the problem , the system of on-line monitoring and fault diagnosis was developed using computer technology and fault diagnosis theory .