
  1. 而在文学的发展流变中,以《捣素赋》为原型意象的捣衣诗也在经历着由艳丽而到迢渐切近现实人生的变化。

    In the trend of literary development , the prototype image based on " Dao Su Poem " also underwent change from splendor to the approach of real life .

  2. 从班婕妤《自悼赋》和《捣素赋》的创作背景、题材、艺术特色等几个方面进行分析,使读者能够认识这位宫庭女作家与同时代男作家的不同之处。

    The background , material and artistic feature of Mourn Myself Prose Poetry and Pound the Silk Prose Poetry are analyzed to reveal the difference between court female writer compared with the male writers of the same period .