
dǎo luàn
  • make trouble;disturb;sabotage;be rocking the boat;be mischievous;devilment;create a disturbance;stir up a row
捣乱 [dǎo luàn]
  • (1) [disturb;stir up a row;be mischievous]∶存心跟人找麻烦,扰乱别人

  • 你别跟我捣乱了,我现在正忙着呢

  • (2) [make trouble]∶进行破坏

  • 捣乱现状的提问

捣乱[dǎo luàn]
  1. 别跟我捣乱!

    Don 't make trouble with me !

  2. 一些流里流气的小青年常到酒吧捣乱。

    Some young hooligans often come to the bar and make trouble .

  3. 按照传统风俗,儿童在4月1日捣乱戏弄别人。

    By tradition , children play tricks on 1 April .

  4. 他存心捣乱。

    He means trouble .

  5. 玛格丽特总是调皮捣乱,而且一意孤行。

    Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course

  6. 委员会的议程因与会者的撒泼捣乱和离席抗议而受阻。

    The commission 's proceedings have been wrecked by tantrums and walkouts .

  7. 我是个无能的捣乱分子。如果我做不好,他们有什么理由表现好呢?

    I was a talentless spoiler . If I couldn 't be good , why should they ?

  8. 任何人再捣乱都将被押出会场。

    Anyone who interrupts again will be escorted from the meeting .

  9. 别跟我捣乱,否则你会后悔的。

    Don 't mess with me , or you will be sorry .

  10. 他受雇把捣乱者赶走。

    He was employed to chuck out any troublemakers .

  11. 看看你能不能把那个小捣乱分子一劳永逸的打发走。

    See if you can handle this young trouble-maker once and for all .

  12. 别捣乱了,小淘气!

    Stop that , you little monkey !

  13. 不要捣乱。

    Don 't rock the boat .

  14. 他们很少捣乱或提出过分的预算要求来为难市长或市参议会。

    They seldom rock the boat or annoy the mayor or board of aldermen with unusual budget requests .

  15. 空怒(airrage)是飞机飞行期间,乘客和空乘人员引发的捣乱或暴力行为统称。

    Air rage is the general term for disruptive and / or violent behavior perpetrated by passengers and crew of aircraft , typically during flight .

  16. 新主人十分恼火,说:“这些见不得阳光的坏东西,偷窃捣乱得太厉害了,怎么能容忍呢?”

    The new master was very angry . He said : " These shameless pests steal things and make trouble so devastatingly7 . How could they be tolerated ? "

  17. 《全球治理》(GlobalGovernance)期刊中的一篇文章,将巴西描述为“所有新兴大国中修正主义倾向最强的国家……一个崛起中的捣乱者。”

    A piece in Global Governance portrays the country as " the most revisionist of all emerging powers ... a rising spoiler . "

  18. 怠工;对……采取破坏行动,捣乱n.破坏活动反叛者试图破坏输油管道。

    eg : The rebels had tried to sabotage the oil pipeline .

  19. 我们常常见到的是毒舌Simon捣乱者Simon

    We see the sarcastic Simon.We see the Simon that kind of loves to mess with people

  20. 例句:disruptivepupils爱捣乱的学生行为造成严重破坏的儿童

    children with highly disruptive behaviour

  21. 助理编辑挑出这些捣乱的被动句之后,就应该将其改写成主动句,就像上文中那句话应改写成“Swedishscientistshaveshownthat(瑞典科学家发现)”。

    Once a sub-editor has pinned passive sentences culprits down , they need to turn them around to make them active & " Swedish scientists have shown that * " .

  22. 在达沃斯,没有哈马斯(hamas)或以色列定居者运动的成员在后面给他们“捣乱”。

    There were no members of Hamas or the Israeli settler movement to heckle from the back of the room .

  23. 我得警告你Max可不是省油的灯哦我那个那个什么不要让他们来我家捣乱啊

    Drop them off ! I gotta warn you , Max is a bit of a handful.Yeah don 't drop them off ... They 're not gonna mess up my house .

  24. 欧文斯在后台接受了《女装日报》(Women’sWearDaily)记者的采访,他直率地说:“就是一个疯狂的模特在捣乱,他下来的时候我给了他一拳,”他还补了一句不太适合刊出的话。

    Speaking backstage to a reporter from Women 's Wear Daily , Mr. Owens put it more bluntly : " It 's a crazy , rogue model that I punched when he came back out , " he said , adding an unpublishable third descriptor .

  25. 例如,关于印度的冰川可能不像IPCC预测的那样迅速消失的报告也给了怀疑者捣乱的机会。

    For example , the report that Indian glaciers may not be disappearing as rapidly as the IPCC has predicted has also given sceptics scope to inflict damage .

  26. Trick-or-treating不给糖就捣乱孩子们变装打扮后会去小区邻居家玩“不给糖就捣乱”的游戏。

    a witch . Children dress up and then visit the houses in their neighborhood asking for a " trick or treat . "

  27. 你去做你的男人,不要来这捣乱。

    So go on and be the man without the line .

  28. 我打电话时不要捣乱。

    Don 't bother me while I 'm on the phone .

  29. 你来这儿在心是捣乱的。

    You came here with the express purpose of causing trouble .

  30. 那些在角落说消消话的男孩子们正企图捣乱。

    The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief .