
shī ɡōnɡ zhǔn bèi ɡōnɡ zuò
  • Construction preparations;preparation works before construction
  1. 如何做好工程建设项目的施工准备工作

    On the ways how to have a better construction preparation for projects

  2. 本文简单分析了深基坑开挖的施工准备工作以及支护措施。

    This paper makes a simple analysis of the preparation work of deep excavation construction and support measures .

  3. 结合工程实例,介绍了蒸压加气混凝土砌块的施工准备工作,阐述了其砌筑施工过程,并对其质量控制要点进行了论述,最后对墙体抹面施工进行了介绍,以确保砌块墙体的施工质量。

    Combined with project example , it introduces the construction preparation of the vapor pressure concrete building block , represents the masonry construction process , discusses the quality control points , and introduces the walling finishing construction at last , which will assure the building block walling construction quality .

  4. 尤其对施工的准备工作和施工的过程作了环环相接、层层相扣的阐述。

    Especially the preparative work and construction process are concretely elaborated .

  5. 沥青混凝土路面施工的准备工作

    The Ready Work of Bitumen Concrete Pavement Construction

  6. 水泥稳定层是公路的重要组成部分,本文论述了水泥稳定层施工的准备工作及施工工艺。

    Cement stabilized base is the main component of roads . This paper discusses the preparation and construction technology of cement stabilized gravel base .

  7. 新建铁路桥梁施工前技术准备工作

    Technical preparatory works before construction of bridge in a newly built railway

  8. 施工准备期监理工作探讨

    Research on Supervisor ′ s Work on Construction Schedule in Construction Preparatory Stage

  9. 从冬期施工前的准备工作、施工过程中的质量控制等几个方面提出了冬期施工中的具体措施。

    Discussion is made on the preparation before and quality control after the construction , and provided the measures .

  10. 艾奕康科技已经开始施工前的准备工作,并将负责该项目的规划、采购、施工和委托管理服务等。

    AECOM has begun pre-construction activities and will provide project , procurement , construction and commissioning management services for the project .

  11. 本文主要介绍聚苯夹芯复合保温墙板安装施工前的准备工作、施工流程图、施工方法、施工质量控制及施工注意事项等施工要点。

    Main points on the construction of polyphenyl sandwich lamination thermal insulation partition wall board including the preparation , construction process , construction method , and quality control were introduced in the paper .

  12. 介绍了粉喷桩施工前的准备工作,探讨了粉喷桩处理公路软土地基的施工工艺,提出了施工中的注意事项以及粉喷桩的质量检测要点,以保障粉喷桩的施工质量。

    It introduces preparation work of powder before construction , construction process on treating soft foundation of highway is discussed , and puts forward matters need attention and detection of quality to ensure construction quality .

  13. 结合工作实践,介绍了机械施工现场各项准备工作,以及机械施工计划协调、机械施工组织调度等现场管理工作应注意的问题。

    With reference to the practice in actual work , the paper gives an introduction to some of the preparatory work relevant to the field management of mechanical construction and issues concerning the coordination at planning stage and operation of mechanical construction .

  14. 结合水泥浆喷搅拌桩在实际工程中的应用,介绍了施工前的准备工作及施工工艺过程,阐述了浆喷桩在中软场地中的施工质量控制措施,保证了地基处理效果。

    Combined with the application of cement gunite mixing pile in actual project , it introduces the preparation work before construction and construction technique process , represents construction control measures of gunite mixing pile in soft foundation in order to assure the foundation treatment effect .

  15. 施工前准备阶段监理工作评价

    Evaluation of supervision work in preparation phase of construction

  16. 参与电气施工阶段各项施工准备工作,并对施工项目和图纸进行核对。

    Participate in preparations during electric construction , and check the construction items against diagrams .

  17. 施工准备阶段的监理工作

    Supervision work in preparatory construction stage

  18. 由于乐平大桥实际地质状况复杂,重点介绍该桥桩基施工中的相关准备工作以及对遇到问题的分析和处理措施,可为同类地质条件下桥梁桩基施工提供一些可借鉴的经验。

    The actual geological condition of leping bridge is very complex , so introducing the prepared work and problem met in construction of pile foundation of leping bridge can give experience for similar bridge owed same geological condition .

  19. 做好施工配合及前期施工准备工作,拟定施工准备计划,专人落实,保证后勤高质、高效。

    Do construction cooperation well and construction preparation work , make construction preparation plan , special people implement , to ensure it high quality , high efficiency .

  20. 从施工温度要求、施工前准备工作、混合料拌合质量控制、摊铺、压实、接缝处理等方面介绍了SBS改性沥青混合料的施工控制要点,以保证改性沥青路面的安全、高效运营。

    This paper introduces construction control elements of SBS modified bituminous mixture from construction temperature requirement , preparation work before construction , quality control of mixing mixture , paving , rolling and joint treatment , which to ensure safe and high-effective operation of modified bituminous pavement .

  21. 宝钢三期工程项目初步设计工作已全面完成并通过审查,现已进入施工图设计与现场施工准备工作阶段。

    The preliminary design of the third phase project of Bac Steel has come to a full close and passed certification . The undergoing work is to design the constructional drawings and to make preparations for the field construction .

  22. 结合工程实例,介绍了新型耐磨地面施工的材料性能及施工准备工作,从混凝土基层、耐磨层的施工两方面就其施工工艺措施进行了阐述,经分析其技术经济效果相当可观。

    Combined with practical work the material properties and preparation construction work of the new wear-resisting floor are introduced and from two aspects : the construction of concrete base and wear-resisting layer practical construction measures are elaborated . Cost-effectiveness analysis shows good construction effect has been acquired .

  23. 结合工程实践,总结和分析了影响沥青混凝土路面施工质量的几个关键因素,重点对施工准备工作以及施工工序的控制问题进行了探讨。

    Connecting with the engineering practice , this paper sums up and analyzes on several key factors influencing the construction quality of the asphalt concrete road surface , and emphatically probes into the construction preparation work and the control of the construction procedures .

  24. 阐述了施工进度计划的常用形式、步骤,介绍了施工准备工作计划以及资源需要量计划的编制过程和方法。

    Comparing with the traditional theory , this paper bears two new frames of reference in planning the construction schedule .

  25. 因此,这类工程开展监理工作,应从施工准备阶段,施工全过程,完工阶段作好质量控制工作,并强调施工准备工作对质量控制的重要性。

    Therefore , for these kinds of projects , quality control shall be conducted well from construction preparation stage , in the whole course of construction and in completion period . The importance of construction preparation for quality control is also stressed .

  26. 在山区管道施工中,由于其地形复杂,要求管道施工前的准备工作即山区测量放线准确、全面。

    Owing to the complex topography of mountainous area , the survey setting-out as the preparation work of pipeline construction is requested to be accurate and completed .

  27. 汾河水库岩塞爆破施工要求标准高,由于省水工局领导重视和施工准备工作充分,施工进展顺利。

    High standard is required for the construction of rock plug blasting in Fenhe Reservoir . The progress of project construction is smooth because of the high emphasis by the Bureau and adequate construction preparation .

  28. 叙述了水泥稳定碎石基层施工所需的仪器设备及设施,分析了施工技术的准备工作、施工技术复核工作、正式施工阶段的内容,并指出了施工过程中的注意事项。

    The paper introduces the equipments and facilities needed in the construction of cement stabilized crushed stone bed , analyses the contents of technical preparation stage , technical review stage and construction stage , and points out the attention rule in construction process .

  29. 根据沥清混凝土路面的施工特点,从人员、机械、物资、材料以及施工现场等方面对沥青混凝土路面的施工准备工作进行了论述。

    According to the features of the construction of the asphalt concrete road surface , this paper discusses on the preparative works for the construction of the asphalt concrete road surface from the workers , machines , goods , materials , and construction sites , etc.