
  1. 2施工层处:脚手架与模板间用可调丝杠支顶。

    Construction layer : adjustable bars can be used for supporting between scaffolding and shuttering .

  2. 3施工层顶端用脚手架钢管拉结内外脚手架。

    Construction layer top will use scaffolding steel pile to pull in and out side scaffolding .

  3. 多施工层无节奏流水的组织方法

    Random Thoughts on Rhythm Construction Management Plan for Multiple Construction Segments Project of Non-equal Flow Process Step Tissue Engineering

  4. 3操作平台:施工层及下面相邻未拆模板层每步架上均满铺脚手板做为施工操作平台。

    Operation platform : all the frames on construction layer and shuttering layer below without backout will be put with scaffolding plank as construction work platform .

  5. 为了从理论上探讨在高能气体压裂过程中,井下施工层段的燃烧压力、燃烧温度及燃气密度的变化。

    It is important to fracturing result to know the variation of the pressure , temperature and density of the gas within downhole closed interval during HEGF .

  6. 变刚度调平设计和桩侧阻端阻相互作用大型模型试验设计与施工FRP层合板刚度退化的细观力学模型

    Design and Construction on a Large-scale Model Test on Variable Rigidity Design Method for Balance Settlement and Interaction between the Pile Shaft Resistance and the Base Resistance

  7. 由于建设单位原因,在施工到层34时,业主建议再加建3层,共14.4m高,办公用途;顶部钢架40m。

    According to the requirement of the unit in charge of the building who asked to add 3 stories and 14.4m high for business use when the construction was in the 34th floor , the top mega-frame of steel is 40m .

  8. 在施工冲积层、基岩层及岩溶水井过程中,对填砾、下管、洗井作了分析,以及在实践中的应用。

    Introduces the experiences of drilling down pipe and washing well .

  9. 液压马达钻机施工顺层钻孔试验

    Test of Using Hydraulic Motor Drilling Machine to Drill holes along Seam

  10. 用水井钻机施工浅层气井

    Water Well Drills Used for Drilling Shallow Gas Well

  11. 水稻田路堤施工第一层填筑工艺方法探讨

    The Discussion on Construction Technology of Rice Field Embankment Filling in the First Layer

  12. 传统的选井方法主要依靠经验或生产需求来选择施工井层,具有一定的主观性、盲目性和风险性。

    The traditional methods of selecting the candidates which depend on experience or production demands , possess definite subjectivity and great risk .

  13. 高层建筑中的钢管混凝土柱,常在施工十几层或更多层的楼盖结构后,才向管内浇灌混凝土。

    In tall building construction with concrete filled steel tube beam columns , the concrete is poured into the steel tube always after ten stories or more have been constructed .

  14. 陕北石油秩序优化施工保护储层

    Optimizing Operation for Protecting Oil and Gas Reservoirs

  15. 电力施工企业决策层若干管理机构职能设置的研究

    Study on Responsibility of Some Management Sections in Decision-making Organ for Power Construction Enterprises

  16. 水下隧道钻爆法施工合理覆盖层厚度的研究评述

    An Overview of Research on Reasonable Cover Thickness for Underwater Tunnel by Drill-blasting Method

  17. 公路工程施工中企业层对项目层实施有效管理方法的探讨

    Research on the effective management method of projects construction for construction enterprises in highway engineering

  18. 在现场实施中满足了作业施工和储层保护要求。

    Field application showed that it had met the requirements of operation and reservoir protection .

  19. 浅谈工程施工中粘土层的快速锚固技术

    Quick Anchoring Technique for Clay Bed

  20. 另外,本文在数值计算的基础上,提出了大体积混凝土底板施工中滑动层长度的设置问题。

    In addition , based on the numerical calculation , this paper proposed to set the length of the sliding layer in mass concrete baseplate construction .

  21. 介绍了高级镜面水磨石的特点、适用范围、工艺原理,从基层处理、找平层施工、铺面层石子灰、磨面、酸洗等方面论述了其施工操作要点,论证了高级镜面水磨石效果良好。

    It introduces characteristic 、 application range 、 process principle , its construction points are discussed from base treatment 、 construction of leveling blanket 、 decking layer 、 face-milling and acid-washing , and proves its effect is good .

  22. 运用施工阶段逐层分解法对各个分部分项工程进行分解,找出基本风险源;通过专家函询的方式咨询专家意见,对风险进行估测;(5)对重大风险源进行专项施工风险评估。

    It uses layer decomposition method to identify the basic sources of risk and use the letter inquiry to consult experts to estimate the risk ;( 5 ) The major risk source had conduct to the special construction risk assessment .

  23. 为了保证大楼各系统安全,大楼设计施工采用叠层橡胶支座隔震技术,通过设置水平柔性隔震层使结构体系柔化,以达到减少或改变结构的水平地震力作用。

    For guaranteeing the security of each system in the building , it was adopted that terrace rubber support insulate-earthquake technology in design and construction , and through setting level soft insulate-earthquake layers to make structure systems soft and so as to decrease or change the structure level seismic force .

  24. 压裂施工时,储层破裂压力直接决定水力压裂的成功与否。

    When fracturing , the fracture pressure of reservoir is crucial .

  25. 高层双层扣件式脚手架的施工组织多施工层无节奏流水的组织方法

    Construction Management Plan for Multiple Construction Segments Project of Non-equal Flow Process Step

  26. 隧道施工掌子面前方层界面层析成象预报

    Forecast interfaces before the tunnel face by computer tomography

  27. 越江隧道钻爆法施工最小岩石覆盖层厚度研究

    Study on the minimum overlying rock thickness of a crossing-river tunnel by borehole-blasting method

  28. 楼板负弯矩钢筋悬挂施工控制混凝土保护层厚度

    Thickness Control of Concrete Cover for Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab with Negative Bending Moment

  29. 精益施工模式下劳务层管理策略研究

    Study on Management Policy of Labor Service Level under the Mode of Lean Construction

  30. 厨房、卫生间:施工至防水保护层,预留各种管线接口。

    Kitchen and toilet : Construct up to the waterproof protective layer , preserve pipeline interfaces .