
  • 网络construction monitoring;construction monitor control
  1. 主跨145m刚构&连续组合体系桥梁施工监控

    The Construction Monitoring of Rigid-Continuous Combination System Bridge with 145m Span

  2. 将虚拟仪器与FBG传感器相结合,可以利用虚拟仪器技术在信号采集、分析、存储和传输等方面的优势,实现光纤光栅解调与施工监控于一体,保证了施工安全和桥梁质量。

    Combined virtual instrument with FBG sensor can make use of the advantages of virtual instrument in data acquisition , signal analysis , data storage and communication to realize FBG demodulation and construction monitoring in one system , the safety of construction and quality of bridge is guaranteed .

  3. 基于GIS的机群智能化施工监控系统的研究与实现

    A Monitoring System of Intelligent Construction Machinery Group Based on GIS

  4. 优化GM(1,1)模型在连续刚构桥施工监控中的应用

    Application of Optimized GM ( 1,1 ) Model to Construction Control of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge

  5. 港航EDI建设对南通港经济效益影响的分析研究杭州湾跨海大桥南通航孔斜拉桥施工监控

    The Economic Analysis of EDI for Nan-Tong Harbour Shipping Operation ; Construction Control of South Navigable Cable-Stayed Bridge of Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge

  6. 以例桥为设计对象,利用Midascivil程序,详细介绍了自锚式悬索桥的计算方法。(2)自锚式悬索桥作为复杂桥型,施工监控工作越来越引起相关部门的重视。

    Take bridge as an example , I make use of " Midas civil " to introduce the calculation method of the self-anchored suspension bridge . ( 2 ) As complicated bridge , the construction of the self-anchored suspension bridge causes the importance of relevant departments .

  7. 某桥主桥上部结构为计算跨径84m的下承式钢管混凝土拱桥,介绍对该桥进行的施工监控前期的优化计算,以及施工监控过程中的优化计算。

    The superstructure of the main bridge of a bridge is a through bowstring arch bridge of concrete-filled steel tubes with calculated span length 84 m. This paper presents the optimization calculation of monitoring and control at both the early stage and in course of the construction of the bridge .

  8. 整体硬化地面的施工监控要点

    The Main of Quality Control of Whole Ground with Harden Surface

  9. 多跨预应力混凝土刚构&连续梁组合桥施工监控与仿真分析

    Construction Monitor and Simulation of Multi-Span Prestressed Concrete Rigid-Frame Continuous Bridge

  10. 太原西北环高速公路顶进框构桥的施工监控

    The Construction Monitoring of Taiyuan Northwest Ring Expressway Jacking Framed Bridge

  11. 大跨径桥梁施工监控精细模拟及数据分析

    Fine simulation and data analysis for construction monitoring of long-span bridges

  12. 基于振冲法的坝基液化处理设计及施工监控

    Design and construction supervision of dam foundation liquefaction with vibroflotation method

  13. 崖门大桥施工监控的技术流程与主要成果

    Technique Process and Chief Results of Construction Control for Yamen Bridge

  14. 尖湖拱桥拱肋施工监控应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Arch Rib of Jianhu Arch Bridge on Monitoring

  15. 设计变更条件下的桥梁施工监控及摩阻测试分析

    Bridge construction monitoring of design alteration and analysis of friction test

  16. 珠江大桥连续刚构的施工监控连续刚构桥施工中的结构分析及其控制

    Construction Control of Continuous Rigid Frame Structure of Pearl River Bridge

  17. 仿真分析技术在预应力混凝土连续箱梁桥施工监控中的应用

    The Application of Simulate-analysis in Prestressed Concrete Continuous Girder Construction Control

  18. 隧道施工监控量测分析与应用

    Study and Application of the Site Monitoring Measurement of Road Tunnel Construction

  19. 盾构隧道施工监控系统数据库的研究

    Study of Data-base of Construction Monitoring System in Shield Tunnel

  20. 样条函数插值在隧道施工监控位移分析中的应用

    Application of spline interpolation function on analysis of displacement measured in tunnel

  21. 浅埋偏压段隧道信息化施工监控量测技术及预报信息系统研究

    Study on Monitoring Technology and Forecasting Information System of Shallow-buried Asymmetrically-loaded Tunnels

  22. 杭州湾跨海大桥南通航孔斜拉桥施工监控

    Construction Control of South Navigable Cable-Stayed Bridge of Hangzhou Bay Sea-Crossing Bridge

  23. 丹庄高速公路软土路堤施工监控方法的讨论

    Discussion on Methods for Monitoring of Dan-Zhuang Freeway Soft Soil Embankment Construction

  24. 谈后张法预应力混凝土连续箱梁施工监控要点

    On supervision points for post-tension method prestress concrete continuous box girder construction

  25. 隧道施工监控与灰色系统预测

    Study on monitor measuring and forecast of grey system in highway tunnel

  26. 斜拉桥换索施工监控技术探讨

    Research of Construction Monitoring Techniques for Cable-Stayed Bridge Cable Replacement

  27. 隧道大变形灾害施工监控技术研究

    Study on monitoring techniques for large deformation hazard in tunnel

  28. 大跨径自锚式悬索桥空间主缆施工监控研究

    Study on Spatial Main Cable Construction Control of Long-span Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  29. 触摸屏在振冲施工监控系统中的应用

    Application of Touch Screen in Vibrator Monitor & Control System

  30. 一座单塔两跨自锚式砼悬索桥施工监控

    Construction of a Two-span Self-anchored Suspension Bridge with Single Tower