
  • 网络Steyer;steyr
  1. CommonSenseMedia创始人吉姆・施泰尔(JimSteyer)说,此类设备的出现已开始愈加取代电视、故事书甚至保姆的工作。

    Jim Steyer , Common Sense Media 's founder , said the devices are increasingly replacing TVs , storybooks , and even babysitters .

  2. 施泰尔说他总是感到等黑草莓上的信息很费神,甚至在留给家人的清晨时间。

    Steyer said he constantly feels the tug of waiting messages on his BlackBerry , even during morning hours that are reserved for family time .

  3. 施泰尔称,他所在的组织建议父母们限制设备的使用,但他同时也承认,让所有家庭中的两岁以下幼儿远离屏幕是不现实的。

    Steyer says his organization recommends that parents set limits , though he appreciates that no screen time before age two isn 't practical for all families . '