
shī zhǔ
  • donor;benefactor;donor impurity;alms giver
施主 [shī zhǔ]
  • [alms giver] 僧道等称施舍财物给佛寺或道观的人,也泛称一般的在家人

施主[shī zhǔ]
  1. 其次,在常温下,本征CdTe薄膜均为高阻半导体。为了改善其导电性能,通常向CdTe薄膜中掺入施主或受主杂质,其中离子注入技术是掺杂方法之一。

    Secondly , in normal temperature , CdTe thin films are high resistance semiconductor , for improving its electricity capability , we commonly inject benefactor or acceptor impurities into the pure CdTe thin films , the Ion influx technique is a good method among many adulteration means .

  2. 你欺骗自己是把书带给大众的施主

    You 've deluded yourself that you 're a benefactor bringing books to the masses .

  3. 类氢施主杂质量子环能级和束缚能的B样条计算按可能引起污染的程度被定级设施

    Calculation of Energy and Binding Energy of Hydrogen-like Donor Impurity Quantum Ring with B-spline Technique

  4. 施主-可提供自由电子的搀杂物,使晶圆片呈现为n型。

    Donor - A contaminate that has donated extra free electrons , thus making a wafer N-Type .

  5. SiC中基态施主能级分裂对杂质电离的影响

    Effect of the Valley-Orbit Splitting in SiC on the Dopant Ionization

  6. 利用B样条技术计算类氢施主杂质量子环能级和束缚能的量子尺寸效应。

    The size-dependent effect of energy and binding energy of hydrogen-like donor impurity quantum ring are calculated with B-spline technique .

  7. GaAs中由磁场引起的与Si施主有关的高亚稳态

    High-Index Metastable States of Si Donors in GaAs Under Magnetic Field

  8. 在p型和n型半导体材料之间渡越区中的一个面,在这里施主杂质和受主杂质的浓度相等。

    The surface in the transition region between p-type and n-type semiconductor material at which the donor and acceptor concentration are equal .

  9. Ge中束缚施主电子的自旋共振及其各向异性线宽

    The spin-resonance of donor electron in Ge and anisotropic line width

  10. GaAs中与施主高激发态有关的共振极化子效应

    Resonant polaron effect related with high excited states of donors in GaAs

  11. 高温淬火对GaAs中深施主缺陷的影响

    Effects of Quenching on Deep Donor Defect EL_2 in GaAs

  12. 只有适量的Al含量才能有效增强施主一受主共掺杂的效果,促进N受主的掺杂,使更多的N溶解到了ZnO薄膜中。

    Only proper Al content can enhance the effect of donor-acceptor co-doping , promoting more N incorporating into ZnO films .

  13. BaO过量的钛酸钡中施主Sb的取代位置

    Lattice sites occupied by donor sb in barium titanate with excess Bao

  14. ZnSe(1-x)Sx中3d过渡金属杂质施主能级

    Donor Levels of 3d-Transition Metal Impurities in ZnSe_ ( 1-x ) S_x Alloy System

  15. 掺施主杂质半导体中LO声子的反对称光电导响应的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo Simulation for Photoconductivity Response of LO Phonon in Shallow Donor Doped Semiconductors

  16. 施加本征激发光后在P型高纯Si中同时观察到B受主和P施主的跃迁谱线系。

    Transition line series of both boron acceptor and phosphorus donor in p-type high-purity silicon have been observed simultaneously with the excitation of intrinsic light .

  17. 浅施主杂质态在n-Hg(1-x)CdxTe磁致金属-绝缘体相变中的作用

    Effect of Shallow Donor on Magnetic-Field-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in n-Hg_ ( 1-x ) Cd_xTe

  18. 通过改变Te的相对含量,可以调节施主掺杂浓度。

    The doping concentration can be optimized by changing the content of Te .

  19. 双施主掺杂在高性能高温PTC制备中的应用

    Application of Double Donors in Making High Performance and High-curie PTC Ceramics

  20. 双施主掺杂PTC陶瓷及其多层结构工艺研究

    Study on Double Donor Doped PTC-Type Ceramics and Its Multilayer Structure Process

  21. 以La进行单施主掺杂,含量为1.2mol%时,压敏电压最低。

    When doped with a single donor of La of 1.2mol % , the sensing-voltage is low .

  22. 氮气气氛下生长的Si单晶中N&O浅热施主的光热电离光谱研究

    Study on n o shallow thermal donors in CZ Si grown in N 2 atmosphere by means of photothermal ionization spectroscopy

  23. 施主掺杂浓度对PTC陶瓷材料导电性能和微观结构的影响

    The effect of donor impurity concentration on electrical characteristics and microstructure of PTC ceramics

  24. 液相施主及高钙添加对PTC材料性能的影响

    Effect of Liquid-phase Donor Doping and High Calcium Adding on Performance of PTC Material

  25. GaAs中Te施主杂质的EER谱

    EER spectrum of the impurity in gaas : te

  26. 在空气中退火,样品的施主浓度减少,势垒高度降低;在Ar气中退火样品的施主浓度基本保持不变,而势垒高度下降较大;

    When samples annealed in air atmosphere , donor concentration and barrier height drops while donor concentration remains unchanged ;

  27. 最近报道显示,硼掺杂同质外延金刚石层暴露在氘离子束中能形成浅施主态的n型电导。

    Recent report showed that exposure of p-type ( B doped ) homoepitaxial diamond layers to deuterium plasma can form n-type diamond with a shallow donor state .

  28. TiO2系压敏陶瓷施主掺杂研究

    Research on Donor Doping of TiO_2-based Varistor Ceramics

  29. 磁场对Ga(1-x)AlxAs/GaAs异质结系统中施主结合能的影响

    Magnetic Field Influence on the Binding Energies of Donors in a Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_xAs / GaAs Heterojunction System

  30. 超纯Ge中剩余浅施主的光热电离光谱量子点中浅施主的能谱结构

    Photothermal ionization spectroscopy of residual shallow donors in ultra-pure germanium spectral structures of shallow donors in quantum dots