
  • 网络Silicon pile;DOOVl
  1. 大电流高压硅堆自动测试线的仪器设计及PLC控制

    Instrument Design and PLC for Auto-Measuring Line Control in Large Current High Voltage Silicon Diode

  2. 三相中频直流高压电源主回路的设计包括三相桥式整流电路,电压型全桥IGBT逆变电路,中频变压器升压和高压硅堆全桥整流的主电路结构设计。

    The design of the main circuit for three-phase intermediate frequency high-voltage DC power supply includes the full-bridge rectifier circuit , he voltage full-bridge IGBT inverter circuit , and the intermediate frequency transformer with full-bridge rectifier circuit .

  3. 自制的波姆光治疗仪由波姆光源、12V/24V变压器、5Ω/50W可调电位器、硅堆、电容器、电源插头及废旧ATX电源箱组成。

    It consists of bomu light , 12V / 24V transformer , 5 / 50W variable potentiometer , silicon , capacitor , plugs and the worn ATX box .

  4. 超高频塑封高压硅堆的研制

    Research on Super High Frequency Plastic Package High Votage Silicon Pile

  5. 高压硅堆在雷达发射机中的应用

    The Application of High Voltage Silicon Stack in Radar Transmitter

  6. 塑封高压硅堆成品管内部结构测试分析

    Internal micro-structure analysis of plastic sealed high voltage silicon pile

  7. 高压硅堆反向击穿特性自动测试系统

    Automatic measurement system for reverse breakdown characteristic of high voltage silicon stack

  8. 硅堆的可靠性及其失效分析

    Reliability and Failure Analysis of Silicon Stack

  9. 分析比较大功率硅堆在模块电源中的安装位置不同,有着不同的放电特性。

    Analysis and comparison of power diode stack are installed different lacation , and they have different discharge characteristics .

  10. 将重量平均分配平均分布重量,如门上的长串高压硅堆的电压分布与不等值均压分析

    To apportion ( weight ) evenly , as over a door . Analysis of Voltage Distribution Along Series Silicon Stacks and Voltage Sharing by Unequal Parameter Method

  11. 果蔬空气放电保鲜机,由高压变压器、高压硅堆和空气放电头组成。

    The utility model discloses an air discharging fresh-keeping machine for the garden stuff , comprising a high voltage transformer , a high-voltage silicon stack and an air discharging head .

  12. 高压硅堆是彩电和彩色显示器行输出电路中的关键器件,其开关速度的快慢直接限制了行扫描频率的高低。

    High voltage silicon pile is the key component of the output circuits of color TV and color monitor , whose switch frequency is the direct restrictive factor of line scan .

  13. 还定量讨论了支配半个衰减正弦波残存波的等效电感、等效电阻和高压硅堆导通时间抖动的影响。

    In addition , the influence of the equivalent inductance , the equivalent resistance and time-jitters of the diode on the residual waveform of a half sinewave with attenuation is discussed .

  14. 长串高压硅堆的电压分布与不等值均压分析内高压和等径角挤压设备液压系统原理设计

    Analysis of Voltage Distribution Along Series Silicon Stacks and Voltage Sharing by Unequal Parameter Method Design of the principles in the hydraulic system of internal high-pressure forming and equal channel angular processing equipment

  15. 电子束轰击炉运行过程会产生高压放电现象,严重时可能损坏高压整流硅堆。

    High-voltage ( HV ) discharge phenomena , which appear in the working process of electron beam bombarding furnace ( EBBF ), may result in failure of HV silicon rectifier stack ( SRS ) in the worst cases .

  16. 生产高压硅堆时,经常在元件之间不采取均压措施,认为各元件会自动按照拐弯电压值的比例关系来分担电压,或者认为硅堆内部足够自我保护。

    In producing HV Silicon-diode modules , there is a consideration that each diode in a module takes automatically the distributed voltage proportional to the value of its reverse upturned voltage , or the whole module is quite enough for self-protection .

  17. 由试验数据的回归统计,得到了炉料装入最与合金含碳量的关系式和硅铬堆底引弧过程中电极对合金的平均增碳量。

    A relationship between the charging amount and the carbon content of alloy as well as mean carbon increment of the alloy in the arcing process were obtained through the regressive statistics from experimental data .

  18. 硅基红外热堆中热电偶尺寸和对数对探测性能的影响

    Effects of Size and Number of Thermocouples on Device Performance in a Infrared Silicon Based Thermopile

  19. 这里研究了简化的1/8模型,模型考虑了二氧化硅和氮化硅生成过程及堆阳极键合和胶粘结合过程。

    A simplified 1 / 8 model , considering silicon dioxide and nitride process as well as stack anodic bonding and adhesive bonding processes , was developed .