
  • 网络Silicon chip;Silicon Wafer;silicon die
  1. 介绍了最新优化设计的双E型加速度传感器硅芯片结构和工艺的实现。

    The new silicon chip of dual-E detailed introduction of the structure and the realization of the technology is reported .

  2. 特别的,为了克服F-P腔量子计算的可集成性困难,在一系列的工作中,我们直截了当的建议利用回音壁模式光学腔来构建硅芯片上的量子硬件。

    To overcome the scalability difficulty of current FP-cavity-QED-based quantum computing , we propose a new quantum hardware model with whispering gallery modes ( WGMs ) on a silicon chip .

  3. 设计硅芯片模仿人的器官听上去是异想天开。

    Designing silicon chips to mimic human organs sounds fanciful .

  4. 采用超临界CO2流体清除硅芯片上的纳米粒子

    Removal of Nanoparticles on Silica Wafer by Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide

  5. 一个CPU“加”操作在硅芯片中就可以执行完了。

    A CPU " add " operation is just performed in silicon .

  6. 通过控制不同敏感硅芯片弹性膜的厚度,即可制得不同量程的双E型敏感硅芯片和加速度传感器。

    Producing the chip and the sensitive element of different scales by controlling the thickness of different sensitive films .

  7. 在A1210-A1214霍尔效应锁存包括一个单一的硅芯片上以下内容:稳压器,霍尔电压发生器,小信号放大器,施密特触发器和NMOS输出晶体管。

    The A1210-A1214 Hall-effect latches include the following on a single silicon chip : voltage regulator , Hall-voltage generator , small-signal amplifier , Schmitt trigger , and NMOS output transistor .

  8. 针对石油化工等领域高温下压力测量的要求,设计了压阻式压力传感器硅芯片,采用SIMOX技术SOI晶片,在微加工平台上制作了硅芯片。

    To meet the needs of pressure measurements in harsh environments such as high temperatures and aggressive media , a high temperature pressure sensor was prepared . The strain gauge chip of piezoresistive pressure sensor was designed and fabricated in the micro-machining workshop based on SIMOX technology .

  9. 一种硅芯片/玻璃环静电键合的简易装置

    Newly Developed Electrostatic Bonding Tool of Silicon Chip / Glass Ring

  10. 用于微电子硅芯片液晶显示的反射式中继目视系统

    Head-Mounted Display With Reflective Relay System Using Micro-Liquid Crystal On Silicon

  11. 经4种贮存条件考察,可知多孔硅芯片的稳定性良好。

    Also DNA chip based on PS is stable under 4 storage conditions .

  12. ②改进硅芯片和扩大应用;

    Improving performance of silicon chip and extending application ;

  13. 一种硅芯片外引线键合的热压焊简易装置

    A Novel Instrument of Thermocompression Wire Bonding

  14. 在单块硅芯片上将容纳一本书的全部内容。

    The entire contents of a book will be located on a single silicon chip .

  15. 整本书的内容只用一片硅芯片就可以装下。

    The entire content of a book will be located on a single silicon chip .

  16. 装在细小硅芯片上的微型计算器。

    Minicomputers mounted on tiny silicon chips .

  17. 此技术采用倒装片技术把硅芯片安装到硅基板上。

    In this technology , silicon chips are mounted onto a silicon substrate by a flipchip technique .

  18. 电子计算机芯片和太阳能发电板都由同一种基本原料制成&超薄硅芯片。

    COMPUTER chips and solar panels are made of the same basic stuff : thinly sliced silicon .

  19. 10年后硅芯片技术将会被光学计算机、生物计算机、量子计算机所替代。

    Optical computer , biological computer and quantum computer will replace the silicon chip technique in ten years .

  20. 令人吃惊的是油从25年前发明硅芯片以来,它们的性能已提高了25000倍。

    Astonishingly , their performance has improved 25 , 000 times over since their invention only 25 years ago .

  21. 机意指任何处理或计算的设备,其形式可以从简单电路到硅芯片。

    Machine represents any processing or the computation equipment , its form may from the simple electric circuit to the silicon chip .

  22. 标准的光电检测器是一个几毫米见方的硅芯片,由小型透镜将光聚焦在它上面。

    A typical photodetector is made of a silicon chip a few millimetres across onto which light is focused by a small lens .

  23. 从其原理、结构、信号检测和脑片硅芯片技术等几个方面介绍神经芯片技术的最新研究进展。

    The recent progress of neurochip technology is reviewed from the aspects of its principle , structure , signal recording , and brain-silicon chips .

  24. 这种处理器首次建立在单个的、不比小孩子的手指甲大多少的硅芯片上。

    This processor was the first to be built on a single silicon chip , which was no larger than a child 's fingernail .

  25. 设计研制了一种集成光电探测器系统,它将光电二极管阵列及信号读出电路集成在同一硅芯片上。

    An integrated photodetector system is designed and manufactured , in which the photodetector array and the read-out circuits are integrated on the same silicon chip .

  26. 微通道热沉是制作在硅芯片基底背面的微细通道,其水力直径范围为10~1000μm。

    Microchannel heat sinks are minute channels fabricated onto the back of the thin silicon chip substrate with hydraulic diameter ranging from 10 to 103 μ m.

  27. 它能形成一致和无缺陷的底部填充层,能有效降低由于硅芯片与基板之间的总体温度膨胀特性不匹配或外力造成的冲击。

    It provides a uniform and void free underfill layer , which gives excellent protection of printed circuit boards from soldering failure due to impact and thermal cycling .

  28. 扩散硅芯片内引线采用高掺杂浓度导电带,外引线用金丝,热压焊和超声焊相结合,保证接点有良好的导电性能。

    The chip is inner - connected with heavily doped conduction belt and external-connected with gold wire by the combination of hot welding and ultrasonic welding which ensures good conducting propertes at contacting dot .

  29. 在硅芯片中引进光电子技术,以光子代替电子作为信息载体,可以大大提高信息传输速度和处理能力。

    When the photoelectric technology is brought into the silicon chip , photons , instead of electrons , become the information carrier , which could dramatically enlarge the transfer speed , memory ability and process function of information .

  30. 现代硅芯片工艺采用自上而下的加工模式,其尺寸已经进入30纳米以下。当器件尺寸小于临界尺寸时,传统半导体工艺将不再适用。

    Modern silicon techniques adopting the so-called top-down strategy have made the size of device less than 30 nanometer . When the size of chips reaches its limitation , the traditional technology of semiconductor is no longer valid .