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  • iron silicate
  1. 脉石矿物主要为石英,硅酸铁矿物次之;次要矿物还有磷灰石、独居石、高岭石和金红石等。

    Gangue mineral mostly are quartzs , iron silicate mineral , in addition , some apatite , urdite , kaolinite and rutile are contained .

  2. 一种含钒硅酸铁矿物的透射电子显微镜研究

    TEM study of a vanadium-bearing iron silicate

  3. 聚硅酸铁(PSF)混凝剂搅拌动力学的特性及理论分析

    Dynamic characteristics of poly silicon ferric sulfate ( psf ) coagulant stirring and theoretical analysis

  4. Zeta电位测试表明聚硅酸铁既会降低介质的PH值,也能显著提高高岭土、煤系黄铁矿和煤的zeta电位。

    The zeta potential measurements showed that the addition of PFS can not only reduce the pH of solution but also increase the zeta potential of kaolin , coal-pyrite and coal significantly .

  5. 用水玻璃对自制的聚合硫酸铁进行改性处理制得聚硅酸铁混凝剂(PFSS),应用于油田含油废水的混凝处理。

    Using water glass and ferric sulfate , the coagulant PFSS was prepared with the oil_field wastewater treated .

  6. 以鼓风炉铁泥作原料,制备一种无机高分子混凝剂聚硅酸铁(PSF),并将其用于印染废水处理。

    A new type of inorganic polymer coagulant polysilicate ferric ( PSF ) was prepared by using blast furnace sludge as raw materials , it was used as coagulant in the treatment of dyeing wastewater .

  7. 以水玻璃、硫酸亚铁及氯酸钠为原料,制备聚硅酸铁(PSF)混凝剂;

    A new coagulant , poly silicon ferric sulfate ( PSF ), was prepared with water glass , ferrous sulfate and sodium chlorate , and the microstructure of PSF was explored with Transmission Electron Microscope ( TEM ) .

  8. 试验中选用聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚合硫酸铁(PFS)、聚合硅酸铁(PFSS)为絮凝剂,聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为助凝剂。

    The poly aluminum chloride ( PAC ), poly ferric sulfate ( PFS ) and poly ferric sulfate silicate ( PFSS ) were used as coagulants and polyacrylamide ( PAM ) was dosed as coagulant aid into the wastewater .

  9. 以硫酸铝、三氯化铁、水玻璃为主要原料制备无机高分子水处理剂聚合硅酸铁铝(PSFA)。

    A new poly-silicate ferric-aluminum ( PSFA ) was prepared by using water glass , ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate as raw materials .

  10. 合成了聚环氧琥珀酸-聚硅酸铁锌复配物(PESA-PSFZ),并对其稳定性和絮凝效果进行了研究。

    The composite flocculant , polyepoxysuccinic acid-polysilicate ferric zinc ( PESA-PSFZ ), was synthesized and its stability and flocculating effect were examined .

  11. 高效无机混凝剂聚硅酸铁铝的研究

    Study on the high effective inorganic polymer coagulant polysilicate ferric aluminum

  12. 聚硅酸铁镁絮凝剂制备及其脱色作用的研究

    Studies on the preparation and decolorization of polysilicate ferric magnesium flocculant

  13. 聚硅酸铁浮选抑制煤系黄铁矿的研究

    The depression characteristics of polymers of ferric-polysilicate on coal-pyrite during flotation

  14. 聚硅酸铁混凝剂对腐殖酸的氧化性能研究

    Study on Oxidization of Humic Acid by Polysilicate Ferric Coagulant

  15. 聚硅酸铁混凝剂除磷性能的研究

    Performance of poly-silicic-ferric ( PSF ) coagulant in removing phosphorus

  16. 聚硅酸铁水解规律及混凝机理的探讨

    Hydrolysis Law and Coagulation Mechanism of Poly-silicic-ferric Sulfate ( PSF ) Coagulant

  17. 用聚硅酸铁铝对垃圾渗沥液进行预处理的研究

    Study on pretreatment of landfill leachates using polysilicate aluminum ferrite

  18. 由粉煤灰和硫铁矿烧渣制备聚硅酸铁铝混凝剂

    Preparation of Polysilicate Aluminum Ferrite Coagulant from Fly Ash and Pyrite Slag

  19. 聚硅酸铁的絮凝性能及对黄铁矿抑制性能的研究

    Study on the Flocculation Characteristics of Pfs and Its Depressive Characteristics on Pyrite

  20. 聚硅酸铁去除溶解性有机物的机理

    Mechanism of removing dissolved organic matters by poly-silicic-ferric coagulant

  21. 用聚硅酸铁铝混凝剂处理炼油厂废水

    Treatment of Refinery Wastewater with Polysilicate Ferric Aluminum Coagulant

  22. 3聚硅酸铁铝混凝剂的性能研究。

    StUdy on the coagulation property of PAFSS .

  23. 用氧化铝厂赤泥制备高效混凝剂聚硅酸铁铝

    Preparation of high efficient coagulant of polysilicate aluminum ferrite using red mud in a alumina plant

  24. 废铁渣制备高效絮凝剂聚硅酸铁及应用

    Preparation of High Efficient Flocculant of Polysilicate Ferrite By Using Waste Iron Residue and Its Application

  25. 结论聚硅酸铁絮凝剂处理河水浊度去除率达95%,净水效果优良。是一种性能较优的新型絮凝剂。

    Conclusion The reducing rate of river water could reach to95 % , the effect of Coagulant was better .

  26. 电动电位测定结果表明,在聚硅酸铁作用下高岭土颗粒表面电位由负变正。

    Zeta potential measurements show that the PFS can change the zeta potential of kaolin from negative to positive .

  27. 实验表明,聚合硅酸铁、聚合硅酸铝都符合这一规律,它们大多是以卷扫絮凝方式发挥作用。

    Experiments results showed that poly-ferric-silicate and poly-aluminum-silicate demonstrated this principle , and they served the function of entrainment flocculation .

  28. 方法合成聚硅酸铁絮凝剂,饮用水中的砷采用混凝沉淀的方法去除。

    Methods Coagulation precipitation method was used for removing arsenic from drinking water by the coagulant which was prepared by our laboratory .

  29. 聚硅酸铁预处理垃圾渗沥液的研究废铁渣制备高效絮凝剂聚硅酸铁及应用

    Study on pretreatment of landfill leachates using polysilicate ferrite Preparation of High Efficient Flocculant of Polysilicate Ferrite By Using Waste Iron Residue and Its Application

  30. 考察了稀释作用对聚硅酸铁混凝剂混凝性能及该混凝剂中铁与氧化硅形态分布的影响。

    The effects of dilution on the coagulation performance of polysilicate iron coagulant and the species distribution of iron and silica in the said coagulant are evaluated .