
  • 网络galactic year;NGE
  1. 地质年代在银河年中的周期规律

    The periodic regularity of geological time in the Galactic year

  2. 银河年是建立理想地质年代表的基础,每一个银河年就是一个代。

    Hence it is considered that a galactic year can be based on to institute an ideal geologic time scale in which a galactic year is an era .

  3. 银河年和地质年代表天文地质年代表与旋回地层学研究进展这种测年提供了关于地球地质历史的信息,并已用于标定地质年代表。

    Such dates provide information about the geologic history of the Earth and have been used to define the Geologic Timescale .

  4. 银河年旋回的沉积学响应与地球系统大异常,为研究地球历史阶段性变化及其圈层耦合,提供了一个新的思考途径。

    Sedimentary response of Galacticyear cycle and the great anamoly of Earth system will provide a new thinking way to study the period changes of Earth history and it 's coupling of Earth shell .

  5. 依目前天文观测及全球生物质变进化和冰期资料来看,银河年时距以260Ma为宜。本文据此提出了一个新的地质年代表。

    According to the recent astronomic observations , qualitative change evolution of organisms and global glacial stage data , the appropriate time interval of a galactic year should be 260 Ma , based on which a new geologic time scale is put forward in this paper .

  6. 不过,银河娱乐承认2014年前后两个半年的对比十分鲜明。在截至12月31日的一个季度内,集团营收下滑了15%。

    However , Galaxy admitted 2014 was a year of two contrasting halves , with group revenue falling 15 per cent in the quarter ending December 31 .