
  1. 关于银离子复方消毒剂对菌体内DNA的作用位点及如何损伤DNA双链结构,则有待于进一步的研究。

    Further research should be done to evaluate the advanced effects of silver ions on the DNA in the bacteria , and its ability in killing bacteria .

  2. 银离子复方消毒剂杀菌效果及作用机制的研究

    Study on the Germicidal Effects of Silver Combined Disinfectant and Its Mechanisms

  3. 过氧化氢银离子复方消毒剂杀菌效果试验观察

    Observation on germicidal efficacy of hydrogen peroxide silver ion disinfectant

  4. 对银离子抗菌消毒剂的机理、特点以及应用进行了简要介绍,并展望了对银离子在日化行业中的应用。

    This paper summarizes the mechanisms and properties of silver ion and the prospect of application in daily chemical indus ˉ try .

  5. 科学研究发现并证明铜银离子和氯等消毒剂具有协同消毒作用。

    Studies have shown the synergetic effects existing between copper-silver ions and other chemical disinfectants .

  6. 绿色的抗菌消毒剂银离子银离子抗菌消毒剂简介及其在日化行业中应用展望

    Green antibacterial agent silver ion the brief summary of silver ion antibacterial agent and it 's prospect of application in daily chemical industry