
  1. 饮用水安全是全球关注的热点问题,饮用水加氯消毒生成的消毒副产物(DBPs)因其具有三致作用而受到公众的广泛关注。

    Drinking water safety has cause a great of concern in the world . The disinfection by-products ( DBPs ) which were formed during the chlorination of drinking water received widely public attention .

  2. 由于许多有机污染物具有致癌、致畸和致突变的三致作用而被世人瞩目。

    Because they can cause cancer , abnormality and mutation , many organic chemicals have been regarded by the public in the world .

  3. 消毒是一个非常重要水处理单元过程,但常规消毒剂氯气会产生具有三致作用的消毒副产物。

    Disinfection is a very important unit process in water treatment , but the ordinary disinfectant chlorine will produce disinfection by-products which have potential carcinogenic effects .

  4. 黄曲霉毒素能引起人畜的急慢性中毒,且具有三致作用,甚至影响生态安全。

    AF can cause acute and chronic poisoning , but also has carcinogenic , teratogenic and mutagenic effects on humans and animals , even could affect ecological safety .

  5. 传统的常规水处理工艺已经不能很好的去除水中大部分微量有机污染物,而且会生成大量含有三致作用的三卤甲烷类消毒副产物。

    The traditional process of raw water treatment has not only worked very well to most trace organic compounds in raw water , but also produce lots of THMs which can cause cancer .

  6. 研究表明,许多环境污染物作用于细胞能否发生三致作用与细胞周期的不同分期敏感性有关,许多抗瘤药物诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡或杀伤肿瘤细胞的敏感性常依赖于细胞周期。

    New research documents have showed that many environmental pollutes act on cell whether inducing mutagenesis , teratogenesis and carcinogenesis is related to cell state at the phase of cell cycle . The sensibility to kill cancer cell and apoptosis induced by many anti-cancer drugs depend on the cell cycle .