
  • 网络three-point perspective
  1. 采用三点透视原理实现了光平面快速标定。

    Three-point perspective principle is adopted to realize the rapid light plane calibration .

  2. 透视变换矩阵与三点透视

    Perspective Matrix Transformation and Three-Point Perspective Drawing

  3. 三点透视作图新法&旋转法

    A New Method of Three-point Perspective Drawing & Method of Rotation

  4. 利用轴测投影的参数作三点透视图

    Drawing three & point perspective view using parameter of axonometric projection

  5. 三点透视双向重合法作图

    A Simplified Method of Drawing Three-point Perspective with Bilateral Coincided

  6. 斜高线及其在三点透视作图中的应用研究

    The Oblique High Line and Its Application Research on Drawing of the Oblique Perspective

  7. 在三点透视成像理论的基础上,搭建整个光笔式便携三维坐标视觉测量系统的实用模型,给出单摄像机成像系统模型的解;

    Based on the perspective view of three points , the system model was established and solved .