
  • 网络two-point perspective;perspective;two-pointperspective
  1. 通过对空间任意点的透视模型进行分析,总结推论出两种行之有效的快速手工绘制两点透视图的方法。

    Through analyzing the perspective model of arbitrary point in space , two practical and fast methods of drawing two-point perspective are concluded .

  2. 在手工绘制两点透视图时,都会碰到图幅过大造成灭点与视点落在图板之外而难以操作的难题。

    When drawing two-point perspective manually , the problem is always occurred that vision point and vanishing point is out of the drawing board .

  3. 两点透视一个新的作图法&30°法

    A New Drafting Method in Two_Point Perspective 30 ° Method

  4. 采用一个与视灭三角形相似的小三角形作为绘图辅助,同时结合量点法中的分量点概念进行作图,就可以很好地解决这个难题,而且能更加快速准确地绘制两点透视图。

    This paper introduces the method of using a small triangle which is similar to the vision-vanishing point triangle to solve the problem , so that making perspective drawing more rapidly and precisely .

  5. 此方法是以物体的主立面与画面的夹角设定为30°和利用画面平行线的方法定出量点后简捷作出理想的两点透视。

    This method sets the angle between main elevation and picture plan as 30 degree and sets the measuring point by means of the parallel line of picture plan , and then an ideal two_point perspective has been drafted in a simpler way .