
  • Two Tigers;are you sleeping
  1. 卞庄子见两只老虎为争吃一个人相互撕咬,拔剑就要冲上去刺杀这两只老虎。

    Bian Zhuangzi saw two tigers fighting each other for one man , and he was about to kill these two tigers , with a sword in his hand .

  2. 这头狮子和两只老虎都严重重量不足,比正常体重低65磅。

    The lion and two tigers were more than 65 pounds underweight .

  3. 故事最后,Aidan和Raoul也无可选择地与两只老虎的命运交织在一起

    The story ends with both Aidan and Raoul entwined in the two brothers ' fates

  4. 老虎上来。唱“两只老虎”

    Two tigers come and sing " two tigers "

  5. 这儿有两只老虎,你觉得那一个是老虎妈妈?

    Now tell me which tiger do you think is the mommy tiger ?

  6. 他非常感谢你抓到这两只老虎。

    He thanks you very much for both tigers .

  7. 两只老虎昨夜逃出了动物园。她一看到出逃的老虎差点吓死了。

    She nearly died of fright at the sight of the escaped tiger .

  8. 他前天看见了两只老虎。

    He saw two tigers the day before yesterday .

  9. 两只老虎打架,必然有一只受伤。

    There must be a wounded tiger if two tigers fight with each other .

  10. 一座山不能藏两只老虎。

    One hill cannot shelter two tigers .

  11. 在东南亚的丛林的古庙的废墟中,两只老虎在缠绵之后生下一对虎兄弟。

    Two Brothers begins with the meeting of two tigers in the jungle in South-East Asia .

  12. 两只老虎过来啦。

    Here come two tigers .

  13. 先天道安老院〔先天道〕他前天看见了两只老虎。

    Sin Tin Tao Home for the Aged [ Sin Tin Tao ] He saw two tigers the day before yesterday .

  14. 每天下午七时后只有两部客用升降机和两部载货升降机.他前天看见了两只老虎。

    After seven o ' in every evening , it will change to two for goods and two for people . He saw two tigers the day before yesterday .

  15. 她令人印象深刻的带领她的两只宠物老虎登场。

    She made an impressive entrance leading her two pet tigers .

  16. 影片《虎兄虎弟》讲述了两只双胞胎老虎的故事。

    《 Two Brothers 》 told us a story about two tigers twins .

  17. 两只小老虎乘坐两辆出租车去镇上。

    Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town .

  18. 两只年龄较大的老虎已取得了较大进步,一些天性已经恢复。它们学会了自己独立捕食。

    Progress has been made as two elder tigers have recovered some of their instincts and can hunt wild animals by themselves at the African base .