
  • 网络two pairs of;two pairs;Double;double double;double-double
  1. 那男孩一年要穿破两双鞋!

    The boy goes through two pairs of shoes a year .

  2. 我们能租四个球拍和两双鞋子吗?

    Can we rent four rackets and two pairs of shoes ?

  3. 我觉得Penny也喜欢滑冰。我们四个凑足两双了。

    Leonard : I think Penny likes to skate.The four of us could double .

  4. 基于两双光子过程的相位共轭二阶极化干涉,从理论上研究了四能级系统在阿秒量级的不对称和频极化拍频(FASPB)。

    Based on the phase-conjugation polarization interference between two two-photon processes , we theoretically investigated the attosecond scale asymmetry sum-frequency polarization beat in four-level system ( FASPB ) .

  5. 亚当:一双37码的,两双21码的。

    Adam : One pair of37 , and two pairs of21 .

  6. 一双给我,另外两双是给两个小孩的。

    One for me , and the other two for two kids .

  7. 在门旁边有两双鞋。

    There are two pairs of shoes beside the door .

  8. 他已经穿破了两双运动鞋了。

    He has worn out two pair of sports shoes .

  9. 去年他穿坏了两双鞋。

    He wore out two pairs of shoes last year .

  10. 请给我两双鸡腿,一份生菜沙拉。

    A couple of drumsticks and one coleslaw , please .

  11. 这两双袜子是不是邓不利多在镜子里看到的?

    Were these the ones Dumbledore saw in the mirror ?

  12. 这两双黑色的鞋子是汤姆和迈克的。

    The two pairs of black shoes are Tom 's and Mike 's.

  13. 我徒步旅行穿坏了两双靴子。

    I wear out two pair of boots on the walking tour .

  14. 最终,两双眼睛的优势会丧失殆尽。

    Eventually , the benefit from two pairs of eyes becomes negligible .

  15. 挑选一双或两双比较便宜的,色彩鲜艳的凉鞋。

    Choose a pair or two of inexpensive bright-colored sandals .

  16. 这个农夫只有两双鞋。

    The farmer had only two pairs of shoes .

  17. 我们的目光相遇了,两双绿色的眼睛彼此相对。

    Our eyes meet , green on more green .

  18. 两双永恒的眼睛盯着我。

    Two pairs of eternal eyes stared at me .

  19. 同时用两双拇指摔跤

    and we would try and wrestle both thumbs at the same time .

  20. 给我两双白色的。

    OK , give me two pairs in white .

  21. 他想做两双鞋。

    He wanted to make two pairs of shoes .

  22. 这两双是同一家工厂生产的

    They 're from the same factory as these .

  23. 对我来说,两双袜子就足够了。

    Two pairs of socks are enough for me .

  24. 旅游鞋,胶鞋胶底轻便运动鞋或橡皮套鞋做得好的皮鞋比两双这种便宜的胶鞋还耐穿。

    Well-made leather shoes will outwear two pairs of these cheap rubber shoes .

  25. 简穿了两双袜子来御寒。

    Jane puts on an extra pair of socks to keep herself warm .

  26. 第二天,桌子上有两双鞋。

    The next day , there were two pairs of new shoes on the table .

  27. 自从他参加冬季体育训练以来己跑坏了两双鞋子。

    He has gone through two pairs of shoes since he went into winter training .

  28. 他有着14次两双的记录,在东部后卫中仅次于西蒙斯。

    He 's recorded 14 double-doubles , second to Ben Simmons amongst Eastern Conference guards .

  29. 现在他们的两双眼睛之间毫无隔阂,毫无疏远困惑的迹象了。

    There was no barrier between his eyes and hers now , no baffling remoteness .

  30. 虽然博古特得到了两双,但是仍然不能阻止老鹰以25分的优势拿下比赛。

    It 's the Atlanta at home by25 despite a double double from Andrew Bogut .