
  • 网络manservant;sevak;male servant;Male domestic;Man Servant
  1. 男佣:我听税官说是300美元。

    SERVANT : I heard the tax man say three hundred dollars .

  2. 男佣:他们就在这周围扎营。

    SERVANT : They camped all around the place .

  3. 还好这里有个男佣。

    At least it has valet .

  4. 男佣:谁去挤牛奶,思嘉小姐?我们都只是家务佣人。

    SERVANT : Who 's going to milk that cow , Miss Scarlett ? We 's house workers .

  5. 男佣:思嘉小姐,我想知道您还剩有多少钱?

    SERVANT : Miss Scarlett Ma'am , I 've got to know howmuch money have you got left ?

  6. 当遇到摩西斯之后,她爱上了自己的黑人男佣。因为他完全符合她内心深处的阿妮姆斯。

    When she meets Moses , she falls in love with her black servant , because he matches her " animus " .