
  • 网络The Story of Men;The Slingshot;His Story;Stories of Manhood
  1. 布莱恩·史蒂文斯(BryanStevenson)斯皮格尔与格劳出版社(Spiegel&Grau),28美元。一个社会活动家律师描述一个被错判谋杀的男人的故事,读来像是在号召人们采取行动。

    By Bryan Stevenson . ( Spiegel & Grau , $ 28 . ) An activist lawyer 's account of a man wrongfully convicted of murder reads like a call to action .

  2. 我曾经读过一篇关于一个中国女孩的文章,讲她嫁给一个美国男人的故事。

    I remember reading an article about a Chinese girl who married an American .

  3. 讲述了一个和父母生活在一起想成为魔术师男人的故事。

    A man who still lives with his parents tries to realize his dream of becoming a magician .

  4. 西方的文学类型究其本质是男性的:由男性作家创造,并且讲述男人的故事。

    The essence of western literature research is male : created by male writers and tells male 's story .

  5. 这个博客,讲述了两个男人的故事和他们荒诞奇妙的冒险经历,其中有谋杀,谜题,还有伤害。

    This blog is the story of two men and their , frankly , ridiculous adventures of murder , mystery and mayhem .

  6. 女人们过来谈论关于男人的故事,他们无法完成过渡,生气,顽固,问题小孩困在两个世界之间。

    And the women came with their stories about men who could not make the transition , angry and inflexible , and troubled children caught between two worlds .

  7. 噢,讲个关于黑男人的故事吧,珠儿回答着,一边攥住她母亲的袍子,一边又真诚又调皮地抬头盯着母亲的面孔。

    Oh , a story about the Black Man , answered Pearl , taking hold of her mother 's gown , and looking up , half earnestly , half mischievously , into her face .

  8. 在这一开创性的打破民权的立法被通过近50年后,我们因为它听到来自两个男人的故事,而他们的名字将永远载入史册。

    Nearly 50 years after the passage of this ground-breaking civil rights legislation , we hear the stories of two of the men whose names will forever be tied to in the history books .

  9. 她喜欢和我讲这些无聊男人的故事,包括最新的那位,唯一的话题就是问那一天她吃了什么的公务员。

    She delights in regaling me with tales of these boring men , including the latest , a public servant whose sole topic of conversation consists of asking her what she has eaten that day .

  10. 一生中我都在渴望填补空白,贪婪地抓住每一张照片、每一个故事,或是每一张纸,希望从那里发现更多关于这位给予我生命的男人的故事。

    During my whole life , I 'm eager to fill up the blanks . I grab every photo , every story or even every piece of paper greedily , wishing to find more about the man who gave my life to me .

  11. 这本书讲述了在日军袭击珍珠港之后几天内被抓的一些男人的故事。他们的家人在其后漫长的几个月,乃至几年里打听他是否还活着,他们被送到了哪里更是不得而知。

    The book tells of men who were seized in the days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor , and the long months and years it took for their families to find out if they were dead or alive , let alone learn where they had been relocated .

  12. 这司机捉住这一大好机会,向我讲述了他第一次和男人OOXX的故事。

    The driver took the opportunity to share the story of his first sexual experience with a man .

  13. 2014年,美剧《智能缉凶》讲述了一个能进入世界上所有数据中心的男人的冒险故事。

    The 2014 show Intelligence followed the adventures of a man who had access to all the data centers in the world .

  14. 这个博客坦率地说,是两个男人之间的故事,以及他们荒谬的冒险,关于谋杀、推理和破坏。

    This blog * is the story of two men and their , frankly , ridiculous adventures . Of murder , mystery and mayhem .

  15. 去掉噱头,这毕竟只是一部关于一个白种女人被大群亚洲男人追赶的故事。

    This is , after all , a movie that , stripped of its gimmick , comes down to a white woman being chased by hordes of Asian men .

  16. 他突然意识到这不是三个男人编造出来的故事。

    It was then that he realized that he was not some made-up story of these three old-aged men .

  17. 这个故事讲的是当她在船上旅行的时候与一个男人坠入爱河的故事。

    It is about a woman who falls in love with a man when she travels on a ship .

  18. 异性恋女子很喜欢阅读两个男人间的浪漫故事,但重点是在情感而非性关系。

    Straight women enjoy reading about and watching romances between two men , but only when the focus is on emotion and not sex .

  19. 这本书是讲述一个男人遗弃他妻子的故事。

    The book is about a man who deserts his wife .

  20. 我捏造了关于一个男人在回家路上的故事。

    I invent the story about the man on my way home .

  21. 男人中了毒箭的故事。

    There 's a story about a man shot by a poisoned arrow .

  22. 就是由她母亲和外婆与同一个男人有一腿的故事改编而成。

    Was based upon her mother and grandmother having an affair with the same man .

  23. 男人与小男孩的故事

    The Man and the Little Boy

  24. 因为这是一个美丽的金发女孩被一个畸形的矮小男人不停追逐的故事吗?

    Because it 's a story of a pretty blonde girl tirelessly pursued by a small , oddly-shaped man ?

  25. 历史的篇章被无畏男人和女人的英雄故事所填满,他们克服了伤残和不幸,表现了胜利的精神。

    The pages of history are filled with the heroic stories of undaunted men and women who triumphed over disabilities and adversities to demonstrate victorious spirits .

  26. 她为了描写女性的遭际而描写男人的世界、述说男人的故事,展示不同文化背景下的男性世界的丑陋、自私、无能、堕落:有生活于旧文化背景下的没落男性;

    She described the men coming from different cultural backgrounds and wrote about their stories for the sake .