
  • 网络Men, women, and children;Men, Women & Children
  1. 杀戮的不仅仅是反抗的男人女人和孩子,而是所有人包括动物。

    Not only the fighting men , the women , children , animals everything .

  2. 照片中的男人女人和孩子坚忍地克制着哀伤,没有表露出悲恸的情绪,因为家人们想要好好地拍一张照片,永远保留早逝的死者的音容相貌。如今这些照片依然践行着它们的使命。

    Now , these images of men , women and children stoically containing their grief in order to preserve the likeness of a taken-too-soon loved one , continue to live up to their name .

  3. 曾经有400个男人、女人和孩子居住在村子里。

    At one time 400 men , women and children lived in the village .

  4. 所有男人、女人和孩子在进入投票站之前都要接受仔细检查。

    Every man , woman and child searched before entering the polling station .

  5. 叛军强迫男人、女人和孩子在枪口下挖掘钻石。

    Rebels forced men , women and children to dig for diamonds at gunpoint .

  6. 男人,女人和孩子都是人民。

    Man , women and children are people .

  7. 面对这个不断的男人对女人和孩子施暴的悲剧不是吗?

    about this ongoing tragedy of men 's violence against women and children , hasn 't there ?

  8. 这个女人活着时,几乎被村里的每个男人、女人和孩子鄙视。

    This woman had been despised by nearly every man , woman , and child in the village .

  9. 正如我刚才告诉你们的,数以百万计的男人、女人和孩子正在遭受痛苦和死亡。

    and as I am talking to you , millions of men , women and children are suffering and dying .

  10. 我们必须确保受益全球化,不仅使富足、有权势的人受益,也要使那些受贫穷蹂躏的男人、女人和孩子们受益。

    We must ensure that globalization benefits not only the powerful but also the men , women and children whose lives are ravaged by poverty .

  11. 抢酒的游戏正在进行。街上响起了尖声的欢笑和兴高采烈的喧哗&男人、女人和孩子的喧哗。

    A shrill sound of laughter and of amused voices voices of men , women , and children resounded in the street while this wine game lasted .

  12. 当天有100多名男人、女人和孩子参观了凯恩的游乐场,凯恩说这是他生命中最美好的一天。

    More than one hundred men , women and children visited " Caine 's Arcade " that day . Caine called it the best day of his life .

  13. 甚至可以说地球上的每一个男人、女人和孩子都是他们的父母相遇相恋后,所带来的意外之喜。

    You could even argue that every man , woman and child on Earth is the result of the happy accident of their parents meeting and falling in love .

  14. 因此,毫无疑问,因为我们反应迅速,避免了一场人道主义灾难的发生,无数平民&无辜的男人、女人和孩子们免遭荼毒。

    So make no mistake , because we acted quickly , a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians innocent men , women and children have been saved .

  15. 这些不同种族、不同信仰的男人、女人和孩子们使我想起,相对于电视镜头中的每一群暴民,世界上都有保持类似希望和理想的亿万民众。

    These men , women , and children of every race and every faith remind me that for every angry mob that gets shown on television , there are billions around the world who share similar hopes and dreams .

  16. 正如我承诺过的那样,沿着这条路径,你会发现音乐中的希望,幽默和傲慢的故事,以及栖息其中的男人,女人和孩子们悠然浮现的鲜活声音。

    Along the way you will find , as promised , stories of hope , humor , and hubris from the world of classical music and the lively voices of the men , women , and children who dwell in it .

  17. 我杀死男人,拿女人和孩子做交易。

    I slaughter the men and trade the women and children .

  18. 男人冷漠的对待女人和孩子。

    The woman and children are distant from the man .