
  1. 西部生态脆弱地带与贫困地区之间存在高相关性。

    The ecologically weak belts in the West are highly related to impoverished region .

  2. 从生态学的角度看,海岸带生态系统处于能量、物质交换激烈的地带,是高生产力的地带,同时又是生态脆弱地带。

    From view of ecology , coastal ecosystems are in a high productivity zone in which materials and energy are intensely exchanged , and is also ecologically fragile zones .

  3. 而我国草原多处于脆弱地带,目的地生态安全状况是草原旅游发展的支撑,安全与发展是紧密的统一体。

    However , grasslands locates mostly frail belt in our country , ecological security condition of destinations are support of development of grassland tourism , safety and development is a close entia .

  4. 作为一个位于自然和文化生态脆弱地带,在西部人文地理版图中地位独特而又具有代表性的文化种群,它的现代化进程也呈现出独特的样貌。

    Be used as a modern progress for locating nature with weak district in ecosystem in culture , in western region human geography landscape position specially and again having representative culture group , it also present the special appearance .

  5. 干旱半干旱过渡带是生态环境变化的敏感和脆弱地带,气候的波动性和人口压力是生态脆弱的根本原因,干旱和半干旱区交界线在丰枯年份的空间摆动幅度最大达110-130km。

    The highly fluctuation of the climate and population pressure mainly led to the vulnerability of the regional ecology . The boundary line between arid and semiarid region shift in the space at a maximum distance of 110-130 km during the extreme dry and wet year .

  6. 山地是一个生态旅游资源丰富、开发潜力较大之区域,但也是生态环境较脆弱之地带,必然带来生态环境危机。

    Mountain areas have plentiful ecological tourism resources , but are also the regions with fragile eco environment .

  7. 农牧交错带是生态环境相当脆弱的地带,坝上农牧交错带是京津风沙源地之一,其生态环境的好坏,直接关系到国家的安全。

    Farming-pastoral zone is a very fragile eco-environment area , Bashang farming-pastoral zone is the dust storm source of Beijing and Tianjin , the quality of its ecological environment , is directly related to national security .

  8. 三峡水库消落带被认为是长江沿线生态最为脆弱的地带,区别于任何现有消落带或人工湿地。

    The water level fluctuating zone in Three Gorges Reservoir Area ( TGRA ) is considered to be the most fragile ecological zones along the Yangtze River belt , different from the any other existing fluctuating zone or artificial wetlands .

  9. 应着重对干热干旱河谷、高海拔生态脆弱区等困难地带植被恢复与重建树种选择与培育以及乡土树种和资源植物的选择与栽培等技术进行研究。

    Priorities of research should be given to selecting and cultivating techniques of trees in difficultly planted zones such as the xerothermic or droughty river valleys , ecologically fragile zones with a high elevation , local tree species and resource plants .