- 网络huàn;Ctenopharyngodon idellus C. et V;Ctenopharyngodon idellus

As the contents of the NaCl increased , the phase-transition temperature shifted to the lower temperature range , meanwhile both the apparent specific heat and enthalpy at the freezing point decreased .
NaCl played a leading role when sucrose-NaCl mixture was added . ( 4 ) The influence of different storage-temperature on the texture and stability of fat and protein of crisp grass carp muscle were studied .
The aerobic bacterial counts and the TVB-N value of crisped grass carp fillet were firstly decreased and then increased during storage .
Replacing the ordinary ice with the ozone ice could effectively control microbial growth , delay the TVB-N value rise and extend shelf life of crisped grass carp fillets .
The shelf life of vacuum package , 100 % CO2 package and ozone gas-filled package were 13 d , 16 d and 19 d respectively .
Effect of Ozone Treatment on Quality of Crisped Grass Carp Fillets Stored at Ice Temperature
The quality of crisped grass carp fillet stored with ozone ice is better than ordinary ice obviously .
The open air temperature had significant effects on the quality of crisped grass carp fillet stored with ozone ice .
Studies on Storability and Browning of Plum Fruits ; Effect of Ozone Treatment on Quality of Crisped Grass Carp Fillets Stored at Ice Temperature
When the outside temperature is 5 ℃, the center temperature of fish maintains at 0 ℃ for long time , quality change for fillet is the slowest .
The ozone water or the chlorine dioxide concentration had extremely significant effects on sensory quality of crisped grass carp fillets , but not the higher the better .
During storage at 5 ℃ the total collagen content of crisp grass carp muscle decreased , while during storage at-0.5 ℃, - 18 ℃ it was not significantly reduced .
The primary fatty acids were palmitic acid , oleic acid and linoleic acid . The majority of fatty acid were unsaturated fatty acid , while crisp grass carp muscle had a higher content ( 70.52 % ) of unsaturated fatty acid than grass carp ( 65.04 % ) .