
  1. 帕特里夏一如既往地美丽优雅。

    Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always .

  2. 这幅景象是那样地美丽,真叫人赞不绝口。

    The scene was admirable , and was admired .

  3. 赛跑身体上并且精神上变得严厉、惊人地美丽、惊人。

    The race became physically and mentally gruelling , strikingly beautiful and spectacular .

  4. 她是个成年妇女,但显得年轻并异乎寻常地美丽。

    She was a mature woman , but appeared young and was extraordinarily beautiful .

  5. 你如此地美丽,至而让嫉妒绝望

    And you are such that envy must despair

  6. 他长得很像样,壳的颜色非常独特地美丽。

    He was very well shaped , and unique in his beautiful shell of colors .

  7. 劣等艺术比优秀艺术更加悲剧性地美丽,因为它证明了人类的失败。

    Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art , because it documents human failure .

  8. 你看不见你自己,所以不知道你是如此地美丽,也无法体会我会这么地想你

    You can 't see what you are , so you don 't know your beauty and can 't feel the think I have for you

  9. 在我们看来这是多么地美丽,看见如此多的光之工作者为了地球的全体居民,做出努力成功地转化这颗年轻的星球成为一个新地球!

    How beautiful it is for us to see so many Light Workers making an effort to succeed in converting this young planet into a New Earth for all her inhabitants !

  10. 虽然说赞美你的心上人的眼睛是多么地美丽漂亮也是不错的选择,但千万别陷入露骨的赞美中,情人节卡片必须是复杂而又有深意的。

    While it is quite acceptable to say how nice your valentine 's eyes are , do not stray into slightly more risqu é complements , Valentine cards are ③ meant to be sophisticated .

  11. LS建材集团有限公司地处美丽的海滨城市青岛,是一家集PVC塑料型材,门窗制造,上游化工原料生产为一体的民营股份制企业。

    LS Building Materials Group Co. , Ltd. is located in the beautiful coastal city Qingdao , Is a collection of PVC plastic material , doors and Windows manufacturing ; upstream the chemical raw materials production as one of the private joint-stock enterprise .

  12. 本公司地处美丽的海滨城市&烟台。

    This company is located in the beautiful seashore city-Yantai .

  13. 然后,它就会独立自主地开出美丽的花朵来。

    And then it grows all by itself into a beautiful flower .

  14. 余姚地处美丽富庶的长江三角洲南翼,位于工商经济发达的宁绍平原中心。

    Yuyao , in the heart of Ningbo-Shaoxing Plain with advanced commerce and economy .

  15. 极品海参山东海鹰商贸有限责任公司地处美丽富饶的山东半岛&烟台市莱山内。

    Shandong Seahawks commerce limited liability company located in the beautiful and affluent & Yantai City of Shandong Peninsula , Lai Shan .

  16. 在圣泽希,我们相信健康美丽和幸福的关键,真正地让美丽焕发,是以下的结合。

    At Synthesis , we believe the key to health and wellbeing , thus the radiance of true beauty , is a combination of .

  17. 近代第一批民族英雄、湘西凤凰籍抗英名将郑国鸿及其桑梓地、美丽小城凤凰就曾与鸦片战争这一改变中国命运的大事件相关联。

    Zheng Guohong , who is among the first group of national heroes in modern times , is from the beautiful small town of Fenghuang .

  18. 在我们看来,大家都在竞相建造更大的游艇,但是很多邮轮航线已经无法让游客享受到他们航行目的地的美丽风景了。

    It is our view that in the race to build bigger ships , many cruise lines have lost sight of the destinations to which they sail . '

  19. 地处美丽富饶,经济发达的东海之滨,杭州湾跨海大桥的桥头堡,长三角投资的新热土-慈溪。

    It is located at the bank of rich and developed East Sea , tower of Cross-Strait Bridge in Hangzhouwan , New and Hot investment of Yangzi Delta .

  20. 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。

    Wuxi , a sparkling pearl of the Taihu Lake , is situated in the southern part of Jiangsu Province and the central part of Yangtse River Delta .

  21. 你一定知道标题指的是哪种女性吧:她们在工作中、读书会、家庭教师协会,天哪甚至在健身房,都能毫无压力地保持美丽。

    You know the ladies we 're talking about : the ones at work , at book club , at PTA , hell even at the gym , who just seem effortless .

  22. 呈马蹄形的澎湖主群岛由四座岛屿构成,相互之间用桥梁连结。我漫步于澎湖县治所在地、美丽的海滨小城马公市(Makung),不禁浮想联翩。

    On the main archipelago , four islands forming a horseshoe and connected by bridges , I wandered around Makung , the pretty seaside capital , lost in a delicious walking reverie .

  23. 接着又来了一位姑娘,像童话中的仙女,戴着粉红色的长纱和橙黄色的飘带,挎着一篮子,飘飘悠悠地把美丽的花瓣撒向人间。

    Then came a girl , like a fairy tale of fairies , wearing a long pink and orange ribbon yarn , leaving for a basket , fluttering leisurely way to the beautiful petals lavished on earth .

  24. 他最大的愿望一定是希望人们成群结队地到这个美丽的公园参观。

    His greatest wish must be that huge crowds flock into the beautiful park .

  25. 然后我又坐船前往小小的望安岛(Wang’an),在这儿,我看到废弃的古代聚居地、更多美丽空旷的海滩、以及郁郁葱葱的山坡,山坡上长满了惹人可爱的橙色与黄色“风火轮”树。

    And then on to tiny Wang'an , where I rode past abandoned ancient dwellings , more fabulous , deserted beaches and grassy hillsides carpeted with vivid orange and yellow firewheels .

  26. 咱们就好好地住座美丽的宫殿里吧,总该心满意足啦。

    We can live in this beautiful palace and be satisfied .

  27. 他们不停地看着窗外美丽的景色。

    They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window .

  28. 在牧草地上,美丽的花儿从草间隐约地显现。

    In the meadows pretty flowers peep out from the grass .

  29. 但是在殖民地,这个美丽的幻想撕破了。

    But in the colonies , this pretty fancy is torn asunder .

  30. 该地以其美丽的建筑物著称。

    The place is celebrated for its beautiful buildings .