
  • 网络Ground acceleration
  1. 在多年冻土区,冻土层厚度越大,II类场地的地面加速度越小,而在I类场地上没有此规律。

    The calculated results also show that in permafrost , the deeper of frozen soil layer is , the more decrescent of the site ground acceleration peak value for site of Class II is .

  2. 文中还给出了高斯过滤白噪声地震地面加速度的Wiener-Hermite级数表达式。

    Besides , the Wiener-Hermite representation of the fil-tered Gaussian white noise earthquake ground acceleration is also given herein .

  3. 运用NDFEPS-2D计算了若干场地模型的地面加速度反应谱、速度反应谱、位移反应谱。

    The ground surface response spectrum of acceleration , velocity and displacement were calculated using NDFEPS-2D .

  4. 修正后的加速度图,精确地表示了仪器基本频带在0.09HZ和25HZ之间的绝对地面加速度。

    The corrected accelerograms can accurately represent the absolute ground acceleration within the frequency band of 0.09 cps and 25 cps of the instrument .

  5. 研究结果表明,当与容器基座有直接接触的钢平台上的冲击加速度达100g时,隔振沟内的地面加速度仅4g,而隔震沟外的地面振动加速度则只有0.7g;

    The investigation results show that when the shock acceleration of the steel platform contacted with the vessel base arrives 100g , the acceleration of the ground within the isolation trench is 4g , while that of the ground outside the isolation trench is only 0.7g .

  6. 关于地震烈度与地面加速度峰值的模糊关系的研究

    Computational investigation on fuzzy relation between earthquake intensity and peak acceleration of ground motion

  7. 土层地震反应分析的地面加速度峰值计算研究

    Study on Calculation of Seismic Peak Ground Acceleration of Soil Layer in Seismic Response Analysis

  8. 对1906年旧金山地震期间雷斯角火车站地面加速度的估计

    Estimates of the ground accelerations at Piont Reyes Station during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake

  9. 基于概率烈度的地面加速度峰值分布的分析

    The Research on The Ground Motion Peak Acceleration Distribution Related With Probability OF Earthquake Intensity

  10. 本文提出了地面加速度作用下平面框架-剪力墙结构的一个实用的可靠性分析方法。

    This paper presents a practical reliability analysis method for plane frame-shear wall struc-tures subjected to earthquake ground motions .

  11. 给出了多遇地震作用下与现行规范相一致的场地土阻尼比和卓越频率,建立了谱强度因子S0与地面加速度最大值均值(?)

    The corresponding damping ratio and predominant frequency of the site soil under frequently occurred earthquake action are presented .

  12. 分析结果表明,不同的悬索桥在相同抗震设防烈度的地面加速度作用下,一般会有不同的反应。

    The results show that different suspension bridges may react differently under earthquake accelerations of the same seismic fortification intensity .

  13. 即使不久前世界上发生的大地震,也十分遗憾地没有测到地面加速度数据。

    Even for the most recent destructive earthquakes in the world there has been a lamentable lack of measured ground acceleration data .

  14. 一个场址所受到的地震作用强度可用烈度、地面加速度、震级和震中距等指标表示。

    The ground motion level at a site can be described by intensity , acceleration of ground motion or magnitude of earthquake and epicentral distance .

  15. 最后给出了规范各种工况下的地面加速度功率谱参数值,为随机抗震计算分析提供了依据。

    The parameters of random model of ground motion given in this study provide relatively reliable and accurate earthquake motion input for stochastic seismic response analysis of structures .

  16. 参考国内外相关规范,采用两阶段抗震设计,确定了表达两阶段水平和竖向地震作用的反应谱,选择和产生合格的三分量地震地面加速度时程历史;

    With reference to the new versions of foreign design specifications , appropriate design response spectra in three directions and ground acceleration time histories with three components are given .

  17. 研究结果表明:在简谐地面加速度作用下,高频地震动也可以引起长周期结构产生很大的位移反应,且最大位移反应出现在结构的瞬态自由振动阶段。

    It is concluded that the transient response to a high frequency harmonic ground motion can increase greatly the displacement response of structures , particularly for the long period structures .

  18. 现场试验包括:①测定振冲器水平振动力作用下产生的地面加速度以及制桩时引起的地面加速度与距振点距离之间的关系;

    The in-situ measurement includes : ( 1 ) the ground acceleration due to horizontal vibrating force caused by the vibroflot and its variation with the distance from the vibrating center ;

  19. 方法测定的概率,某些地面加速度水平将被体验在某一特定地点都被称为“地震风险”或“地震风险”分析。

    Methods to determine the probability that certain ground acceleration levels will be experienced in a given site are referred to as " seismic risk " or " seismic hazard " analyses .

  20. 本文在对以往历史数据的统计基础上,模拟出城市每10万平方米建筑地震次生火灾发生件数与地震地面加速度峰值的关系,并由此计算了地震后火灾发生的件数。

    Based on the historical statistical data , the relation between fire number per 100 thousand square meters and peak ground acceleration ( PGA ) is simulated , and the fire cases are also simulated .

  21. 应用随机等效线性化方法分析带非线性滞回减震装置的桥梁地震反应,以地面加速度为平稳高斯过程作随机谱分析;

    The stochastic equivalent linearization technique is applied to analyze the earthquake response of bridges with aseismic devices . The seismic acceleration is schematized through a Gaussian stationary random process , but this method can be extended to non-stationary response .

  22. 首先根据《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011&2001)的地震影响系数曲线,利用加速度峰值等效原则迭代计算得到地面加速度平稳功率谱密度;

    Firstly , the stationary power spectral density ( PSD ) of acceleration at the ground level is obtained by an iterative approach of equivalence of peak acceleration according to the response spectrum in the Chinese seismic code ( GB 50011-2001 ) .

  23. 结合1988年灵武5.5级地震的多层砖房震害,根据计算的墙体抗震强度系数估算了这次地震的地面峰值加速度为0.158(g),相当于烈度7度半。

    Having investigated , the damage of multi-story brick building of Jan. 4 , 1988 Lingwu earthquake , Ningxia , we give PGA and intensity of this earthquake by calculating the coefficient of wall aseismic strength .

  24. 随着质量比的逐渐增大,相同地面峰值加速度PGA对应的破坏状态的失效概率呈逐渐增大的趋势。

    With the gradually increasing of quality ratio , the failure probability of destruction states for the same ground peak accelerations PGA has a trend of gradually increase .

  25. 使用DCS-302数字磁带记录地震仪在近场(震中距△≤5km)观测人工爆破源产生的地震波,在不同方位、不同震中距和土层条件下得到了9条近场地面运动加速度记录。

    Nine seismograph maps of near-field ground acceleration , seismic waves from man-made explosion seismic source , were recorded by DCS-302 portable digital seismometers which were located at different sites where direction , epicentral distance and soil conditions are different .

  26. 地面运动加速度三向功率谱密度函数值的探讨

    Approach to Three Dimension Acceleration power Spectral Density Values of Ground Motions

  27. 地面最大加速度的概型分布参数对重力坝抗震动力可靠度的影响

    Influence of peak ground acceleration probabilistic distribution on dynamic reliability of earthquake-resistance of gravity dams

  28. 使用印度强震台阵数据估算峰值地面水平加速度的衰减关系

    Attenuation relationship for estimation of peak ground horizontal acceleration using data from strong-motion arrays in India

  29. 地面运动加速度功率谱模型为零均值的平稳高斯过程,描述为过滤白噪声施加于支撑各点。

    The power spectral density function of ground acceleration can be described as filtered white noise applied on each support point .

  30. 另外,悬浮间隙测量模块中集成了部分辅助测量工具,如列车运行速度测量、垂直地面方向加速度测量。

    In addition , suspending gap measurement module integrates some assistant measurement tolls as velocity measurement tool and acceleration measurement tool .