
  • 网络subsurface geology
  1. 这样有利于推断出地下地质体的感应电动势和视电阻率的衰减方向,反映出地质体的异常位置和形态,有利于推测其地质体的走向。

    That is beneficial to deduce the direction of attenuation of the induced electromotive force and the apparent resistivity of the subsurface geology and to Reflect the abnormal position and shape and trend of the geological body .

  2. 利用MT法对该地区的地下地质构造、地层展布特征等进行了研究。

    Therefore , MT method is applied to research subsurface geologic structure and the expanding characteristic of stratum .

  3. 和常规MT反演方法相比较,该方法具有算法简单等优点,并且还能获得表示地下地质构造真实映像的MT深度剖面。

    As compared with the conventional 2-D inversion , this procedure is more simple in calculation and can a + - tain the MT depth section , which gives the true picture of the subsurface geologic structure .

  4. 地震勘探对地下地质结构的调查是一种行之有效的方法。

    Seismic exploration is a feasible method for surveying geo-structure in underground .

  5. 油田地下地质与沉积微相研究软件系统

    Industrial mapping software of sedimentary microfacies and petroleum geology

  6. 地震信号瞬时参数蕴含了丰富的地下地质信息。

    Instantaneous parameter of seismic signal possesses a wealth of the geological information .

  7. 复杂地表及地下地质条件下地震资料处理中的若干重要环节

    Some important links in seismic data processing under complex surface and underground geological conditions

  8. 地震反射构形能不能代表地下地质体的外形?

    Can a seismic reflection configuration reflect the shape of the subsurface geologic body ?

  9. 三维地震数据体是反映地下地质构造的三维数字图象。

    Three-Dimension Seismic Data Volume is a three-dimensional digital image which maps the geological structure subsurface .

  10. 地震数据正演模拟技术贯穿于地震数据采集、处理和资料解释的各个环节,是进行地震反演的基础,是认识和研究地下地质构造的最有效手段。

    Seismic data forward modeling is used through each step of acquisition , processing and interpretation .

  11. 对地震资料的解释和地下地质模型的推断等有很大帮助。

    It is helpful for us to interpret seismic data and deduce the underground geological model .

  12. 电磁测深数据是地下地质体对电磁波传输特性的综合反映。

    The Electromagnetic sounding data is the synthetic reflection of the electromagnetic wave about the underground geo-objects .

  13. 在这些面上偏移只适合地表比较平缓、地下地质条件相对简单的情况。

    In these relatively flat surface offset for the surface and underground geology is relatively simple situation .

  14. 受地下地质条件影响的同时,钻井工艺技术的落后也是其影响因素之一。

    This is due to the complicated geological conditions , as well as the underdeveloped drilling technology .

  15. 当地下地质条件复杂时,叠前成像能够获得比叠后成像更精确的结果。

    Pre-stack imaging is able to achieve better image than post-stack imaging where complex geology is presented .

  16. 地震勘探是目前地下地质结构和地下矿产资源勘探的一种重要方法。

    Seismic exploration is a very important method to explore underground geologic structures and underground mineral resources nowadays .

  17. 植被是地表地貌最显著的景观,且与地下地质体存在联系。

    The vegetation is the most evident landscape of the surface geomorphy and connected with the underground geological bodies .

  18. 地震勘探法是查明地下地质构造,寻求油气田或其他勘探目标的一种物探方法。

    To survey the geologic structure under ground or explore the energy , people use the method of seismic prospecting .

  19. 地下地质灾害地球物理探测研究进展地层含水性研究的地球物理方法

    Progress in the geophysical exploration research on underground geological hazards Geophysical Methods to Detect the Hydrous Stratum of the Underground Water

  20. 在对比分析当前大部分三维数据模型及城市地质数据特点的基础上,采用体元充填模型来表达地下地质体;

    Comparing the most three dimension data models , this paper adopted the cell model to express the geological body underground .

  21. 其主要原因:客观上,由于地面和地下地质条件十分复杂,技术手段的局限性;

    The main reasons are that , firstly , there were complexities for both surface and subsurface conditions , and restriction of technology ;

  22. 它将地震剖面转化成地震岩性剖面,精确地再现了地下地质剖面特征。

    Usingthis method , we can convert the seismic section to the seismic lithological section which reappear the characters of geological section precisely .

  23. 研究表明,地表以及地下地质结构的双重复杂性是造成镇巴区块地震成像质量变差的根本原因;

    Research results show that the double complexities resulted from both variable surface condition and complex subsurface structure features are fatal to seismic imaging quality .

  24. 为了利用地下地质体的分布规律,减少反演所求的未知数个数,本文又提出了规则地质块体建模方法引入到反演中来。

    To sufficiently exploit subsurface geologic distribution features to decrease the number of inverse unknowns , this paper introduces the regular-blocky-model method into the inversion .

  25. 勘查结果查明了测区地层分布和地下地质构造及赋水情况。

    The result of investigation is that the stratigraphic distribution of the underground geologic structure and the water enrichment conditions of the investigated area are manifested .

  26. 目的:充分利用先进的计算机技术,从三维角度来研究油气田的地下地质特征,建立地质模型,为全面认识和开发油气田提供重要依据。

    Researching into some oil-gas reservoir and building the geologic model with the advanced3D technology of computer would provide important basis for its understanding and development .

  27. 引起双频激电仪野外测量出现负值的原因主要有两类:一类是由于电磁耦合效应;另一类是由于地下地质体的影响。

    There are two reasons for negatives in measuring double-frequency induced polarization , one is electromagnetic coupling effect , the other is geo-boby existing in an impersonal way .

  28. 在油气田勘探开发领域,岩芯资料是获取地下地质信息的第一手资料,岩芯资料准确与否直接影响到科研工作。

    Core information is firsthand data to acquire underground geological information in the field of petroleum exploration . Core information is accurate or not directly affects the research .

  29. 地震勘探是地球物理探勘的重要手段,是当前查明地下地质结构的最有效的方法之一。

    The seismic prospecting is one of the important methods in physical geography , it is one of the most effective way to find out the underground geologic structure .

  30. 要正确的认识地下地质体,必须把时间域中的地震数据恢复到深度域中。

    In order to identify correctly subsurface geological body , it is imperative to make the seismic data in time domain be restored to the ones in depth domain .