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  • cadastral map
  1. 基于AutoCAD地籍图符号库设计方法的初步研究

    The Preliminary Research on the Design Method of Cadastral Map Symbol Bank Based on AutoCAD

  2. 描述了基于GIS技术的地籍图自动套界软件的总体设计方案与实现方法,并对其主要功能和所使用的关键技术进行了简要的介绍。

    This paper describes the overall design plans and realizing ways of auto-bordering for cadastral map based on GIS technique , and briefly introduces its main functions and key techniques .

  3. 基于AUTOCAD的地籍图辅助成图系统

    Map-Making System assisted by Auto CAD-based Cadastre

  4. RTK技术用于界址点测量和地籍图测绘使其成为一个具有潜力的研究方向。

    The possible application in position surveying and cadastre mapping makes RTK the direction for research .

  5. 使用本文提出的任意多边形截幅方法不仅使DCS的图形处理功能更加完善,而且可改进采样方法,避免了地籍图上跨越界址线的地物符号可能出现的不合理现象。

    By using the clipping method developed in this paper , the function of raph processing in DCS can be enhanced and the sampling procedure can be improved so as to avoid the unreasonable phenomena , which possibly exist when an object crosses the boundary line in cadastre maps .

  6. 介绍了全数字摄影测量工作站JX4ADPW在南京市农村土地利用现状变更调查中的作用和使用JX4ADPW采集大比例尺地形、地籍图数据的步骤及采点的精度。

    This paper introduces the function of DPW JX-4A in change survey of land use situation of the country in Nanjing , and uses the device 's procedure to gather the data for large scale topographic and cadastral survey . At last the precision of Data acquisition is discussed .

  7. 本文介绍了全数字摄影测量工作站JX-4A在南京市土地利用现状更新调查中作用,使用JX-4A测制大比例尺地形、地籍图的步骤及施测的精度。

    The roles is introduced that the full digital photogrammetric station JX - 4A play in the renewal investigation of present land - use in Nanjing city . The procedure and precision is introduced too of mapping large scale topography map and cadastral map .

  8. 用模糊综合评判法评定数字化地籍图的探讨

    Research on evaluating Digitized Cadastral Map with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

  9. 地籍图自动套界软件的设计

    The Design of Auto-bordering Software for Cadastral Map

  10. 论编制数字地籍图的制图综合方法

    On Cartographic General Methods for Digital Cadastral Maps

  11. 遥感技术在城市1∶2000多目标地籍图制图方法中的研究

    Study on the Remote Sensing Applied in 1 ∶ 2000 Multipurpose Cadastral Map-making of Urban

  12. 利用矿区地形图编绘地籍图的精度分析

    Analysis of precision of cadastral map drawn on the basis of topographic map of mining area

  13. 应用数字航测技术测绘1∶500地籍图的几个问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems of Application Digital Aerial Survey Tech in Mapping 1 ∶ 500 Cadastres

  14. 台湾早期农地重划地籍图精度探讨&以新竹县为例

    Precision of the Early Farm Land Consolidation of Cadastral Map in Taiwan-Hsinchu County as a Case of Study

  15. 本文系统、全面地讨论了数字化地籍图数据处理的各种方法、特性及其应用范围。

    In this paper , the methods of data processing for the digitizing of cadastral maps , their specific characteristics , applying range are discussed systematically and comprehensively .

  16. 对应用数字航测技术测绘1∶500地籍图的作业特点、可行性、测图精度、航空摄影方案及内外业具体作业方法进行了探讨。

    The working characteristics , feasibility , mapping precision , air photograph scheme and indoor and field concrete working method are discussed for applying digital aerial survey tech mapping 1:500 cadastres .

  17. 通过介绍许昌学院1∶500地籍图的测绘,详细阐述了数字地籍测量的原理、方法及其技术手段。

    At first , the paper introduces the example of surveying 1:500 cadastral map of Xuchang University , and then explains the principle , method and technological means of digital cadastral survey in details .

  18. 现今多数城市已采集了大量的土地资源和矿产资源数据,包括地形图、地籍图、详查图、现状图、航片卫片、矿产分布图。

    Most cities have collected a large amount of land resources and mineral resources data , including topographic maps , cadastral maps , detailed investigation plans , current maps , aerial photo satellite photo and mineral distribution maps .

  19. 根据这种数字化地籍图的质量特性,应用模糊数学中的模糊综合评判法,评定地籍图的产品质量,既科学、合理,又克服了片面性和主观性,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    In the paper with the digitized cadastral map ′ s features , the map ′ s production quality is evaluated scientifically and reasonably with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , so that one sided view and subjective view are overcome .

  20. 对已采用传统方法绘制的地籍图,暂时又不想投入较多资金采用测图数字化更新地籍图的地区来说,用计算机管理地籍信息,地籍原图数字化亦不失为一个经济实惠的方法。

    Cadastral original map digitization is , after all , one economical way of running cadastral information by computer in those areas where cadastral maps are traditionally drawn and no much money is available to renew cadastral maps by means of digitized surveying and mapping .

  21. 对扫描数字化与手扶跟踪数字化的作业特点作了比较,分析了地籍图数字化的误差来源,扫描数字化的误差分析试验表明,对1:500的地籍图,扫描数字化的误差与手扶跟踪数字化的误差基本一致。

    The characters between scan map digitization and manual digitization are compared . The error sources of cadastral map digitization are analyzed . The error analysis and error distribution tests shows that the error in scan map digitization is almost the same as that in manual digitization .

  22. AUTOCAD二次开发在制作地籍影像图中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD Developing in Cadastration Image

  23. 基于SCS的数字地籍块图的数据处理与检查

    Data Processing and Checking of Digital Cadastral Map in Cadastral Investigation Based on SCS

  24. 对采用CASS4.0地形地籍成图软件与AutoCAD软件相结合进行房产图编制的作业方法进行了探讨和总结。

    Besides , the article discusses the compiling method of real estate map with CASS 4.0 topographic and cadastral survey software combined with AutoCAD .

  25. 由于很多用户采用南方公司的地形地籍成图软件CASS采集数据,如何把这些数据转换到GIS数据库中是人们关心的问题。

    Because many consumers use CASS ( which is the terrain and cadastral mapping software of southsurvey ), they are concerned with how to transform the data into GIS database .

  26. 基于ACAD的数字地籍成图系统

    A Digital Cadaster Mapping System Based on Auto CAD

  27. 乡村居民地半解析法地籍测图的研究与实践

    Studies and Practice on Partly Analytic Cadastral Surveying in Residential Area of Village

  28. 地籍测量图索引系统

    Cadastral survey plan index system

  29. 该处又设立一个地籍测量图索引系统,利便地界测量记录的查阅工作。

    It has also established a Cadastral Survey Plan Index System to facilitate the search of land boundary survey records .

  30. 地籍测量自动成图系统的研究

    Study of auto - plotting system for Cadastral Survey