
  1. 从1∶25万DEM中提取地性线的研究

    A Study of Extraction of Bone Lines from 1 ∶ 250 000 Scale DEM

  2. 对一种基于规则格网DEM自动提取地性线算法的改进

    An Improved Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of Terrain Structure Line Based on Digital Elevation Model Data of Regular Grid

  3. 为了精确表达地表的形态,在建立DTM时必须考虑地性线等约束条件。

    In order to express the terrain accurately , land feature lines constrained conditions must be taken into account when establishing DTM .

  4. 一种自动识别地性线的新方法

    A New Method of Automatically Identifying Orographic Character Line in Contours

  5. 根据地性线绘制等高线的研究

    A Research on Contour Plotting Based on Bone Lines

  6. 在总结的人所做工作的基础上,采用数学形态学的原理和方法对地性线的提取进行了初步研究与实验。

    On the basis of summarizing previous work , the author makes the study and experiment on distilling terrain line by using principle and method of Mathematical Morphology .

  7. 研究结果表明,该图像已具有一定的几何精度,有较好的可供作境界线、林班线区划的地性线信息,以及土地和森林类型的可判性。

    The results show , as for as the images concerned , they possess considerable geometric accuracy and provide better information on boundary and compartmental lines and the ability of distinguish for land and forest types .

  8. 为提高算法对复杂地形的适应能力,利用离散点及地性线对地形进行描述,并保证生成的三角形不跨越地性线。

    The terrain is described with irregular distributed data points and geographical features lines and the triangles for interpolation are made not to cut across the geographical feature lines in order to enhance the adaptation of the algorithm to complicated terrains .

  9. 基于等高线提取地性结构线的算法研究

    An Arithmetic Research of Extracting Geographical Structure Lines Based on the Isoline

  10. 利用等高线数据自动生成地性结构线的算法研究

    Research on the Algorithm of Automatic Building Topgraphic Structures Using the Contour Data