
  • 网络Point;control point
  1. 基于GoogleEarth的测量控制点非涉密信息集成与应用

    The Integration and Application of Survey Control Point Information of Non-Secret Based on Google Earth

  2. 在测量控制点上观测烟囱施工高度举隅

    Examples of Chimney Construction Height Observation at Survey Reference Point

  3. 采用精度为3mm的激光经纬仪测量控制点坐标,得到的盾构姿态参数的误差范围比规范要求小得多。

    The error band of the shield posture parameters , which was obtained by measuring the coordinate of controlling points with a 3 mm precision laser transit , was far less than that recommended by the specifications .

  4. 测量控制点间不通视的有效解决途径

    Availability Resolve Measure to Invisibility between the Measured Points

  5. 顾及可靠性与精度的近景摄影测量控制点优化设计

    The Research of Control Points Distribution Considering Reliability and Precision in Close Range Photogrammetry

  6. 基于图形的测量控制点管理系统

    Graph Based Management System of Surveying Control Points

  7. 根据三点决定一个平面的原理,通过在盾构机中体上布置测量控制点,对其三维坐标进行测量;

    Measuring points are set on the body of a shield with their three-dimensional coordinates measured .

  8. 测量控制点成果是国土、房管、规划、测绘等行业的重要资料,通常包括一图两表,即控制网略图、控制点成果表、点之记。

    The products of surveying control points are important data to the sectors of land administration , real estate management , planning , and surveying and mapping .

  9. 介绍了在没有预先测量控制点的情况下,通过引入相对控制条件,主要依靠计算获得所需点云数据的近场摄影测量方法。

    Applying the relative control in photogrammetry and excluding the necessity of pre-measured control points , this paper introduced a new close-range photogrammetry method in getting the points data mainly with computation .

  10. 通常对于精确的测量,控制点是根据三角网来定位的。

    Usually for a precise survey control points are established by triangulation .

  11. 参照摄影测量中控制点的概念与应用,提出了自由曲面测量中粘性目标的概念;

    The idea of viscous target for free-form surface measurement is presented which refers to the concept and the applying of control points in the photographic measurement .

  12. 检核GPS测量控制网起算点精度的方法及其探讨

    Discussion on methods for checking starting point accuracy of GPS surveying control network

  13. CORS的出现,完全改变了城市测量中布设控制点控制点被破坏再布设控制点这一恶性循环,成为近年来城市测绘的新热点。

    The appearance of CORS completely changed vicious circle of the measure on " control points laid - destroyed - and then laid again " and become a new hot spot in city mapping .

  14. 变更测量时图根控制点的恢复

    Restoration of Mapping Controlling Point in Changing Surveying

  15. 利用全站仪进行森林三维导线测量,根据控制点坐标测算树木的三维位置,利用坐标可绘制树木分布图和森林资源分布图;

    By using the total station , the surveyors can carry out three-dimension lead forestry surveying , the tree position can be surveyed and calculated by dominate point coordinate , the tree and forestry resources can also be distributed and mapped .

  16. 并给出了正确使用方法,设计出采用输入端带有桥式电路的差动运放电路作为温度补偿电路,使仪表、计算机能够准确测量、控制工作点的温度。

    It also shows the correct using method . The differential amplifying circuit using the input end with the bridge circuit has been designed as temperature compensating circuit to have meters and computers accurately measure and control temperature of the working point .

  17. 高速公路平面控制测量需要将控制点纳入国家高斯平面坐标系,由此不可避免地出现距离长度变形,并导致平面控制测量投影面与施工高程面分离。

    It is inevitable that the length distortion will happen when the control points are linked to the State Gauss Plane Coordinates System in the plane control surveying for speedways , by which the construction elevation plane would separated from the projection plane of control surveying .

  18. 根据GPS在河南省电子公路地图制作中的实际应用情况,探讨了采用静态GPS测量技术获取公路控制点空间数据的实施原则、实施步骤和数据处理流程。

    This paper discusses the application principle , application procedure and data processing procedure of GPS , according to its application to getting spatial data of Henan highway E map .

  19. 本文介绍几种实用的GPS测量控制网的起算点兼容性分析方法,并通过实例对这些方法的应用进行了分析。

    This paper introduces several practical methods of the compatibility analysis of starting point for GPS surveying network , and then base on a practical example , makes some analysis on these methods .

  20. 后方交会测量在近井控制点测设中的应用

    Application of meeting measuring at back in the measuring of nearly well control

  21. 新型测量仪器支架及控制点的设计

    Design of new-style tripod and control point

  22. 地面摄影测量解析法加密控制点

    Control extension by analytical terrestrial photogrammetric methods

  23. 还对测量用三角架、预埋棱镜测量及测量控制点提出了改进设想。

    Besides , some innovation ideas are introduced for the improvement of tripod , pre-set lens and controlling point .

  24. 本论文是研究以全数字摄影测量系统为主的摄影测量试验研究,其中涉及到用辅助GPS空中三角测量方法来加密控制点。

    This paper is to study the digital photogrammetric system of photogrammetry experimental study , which involves using auxiliary GPS measurement method to measure the triangle .