
  • 网络Surveying and Mapping Institute;shch;Mapping Faculty
  1. 介绍WebServices技术,以及上海市测绘院以WebServices为基础研建的数字测绘档案管理系统。

    This paper introduces the technique of Web Services and the archives management system of digital surveying and mapping which is developed by Shanghai surveying and mapping institutes based on Web Services .

  2. 福建省地质测绘院建立ISO9001∶2000质量管理体系介绍

    Process Introducing to Establish ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System in Fujian Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Geology

  3. 关于地矿测绘院企业化后管理策略的思考

    Thinking about Administration Strategy after RECB of Surveying and Mapping Institute

  4. 城市测绘院办公自动化系统的设计

    Design of Office Automation Management System in the City Surveying Department

  5. 湖北省第二测绘院

    The second surveying and Mapping Institute of Hubei Province

  6. 关于在地矿测绘院建立现代企业制度的思考

    On thinking to setting up a modern enterprise system in the geology and mining survey and drawing Institute

  7. 介绍了企业化与企业化管理的区别,探讨了地矿测绘院企业化之后的管理策略。

    This paper introduces the difference between RECB and administration of RECB , and discusses the administration strategy after RECB of surveying and mapping institute .

  8. 按照这个理论构建了元数据管理与服务系统在上海市测绘院得到很好的应用。

    According to this concept , we developed " The Metadata Manage Service System ", and now , it is greatly used in the ShangHai Surveying Mapping Institute .

  9. 近日,湖北省第二测绘院组织离退休党员赴延安接受革命传统教育和爱国主义教育。

    Recently , the Hubei Provincial Surveying and Mapping Institute organized the second to accept the revolutionary tradition of retired party members and Yan'an of education and patriotic education .

  10. 整理数据,绘制图纸,明亮的灯光下,土地勘察规划测绘院红椿巷测绘组的队员们正在紧张繁忙地工作着。

    The data , drawing drawings , under the bright lights , land surveying planning toon Lane Surveying and Mapping Institute of Surveying and Mapping Group members are busy with work .

  11. 山东省地图网系统建立在山东省国土测绘院多年的测绘成果资料和专业技术积累的基础上,是面向大众的特色鲜明、功能齐全的网站系统。

    " Map of Shandong Province Network " system , established on the outcome of many years of surveying and mapping information and expertise accumulated of Land Surveying and Mapping Institute of Shandong Province , which is public-oriented with distinctive characteristics , full-featured web site system .

  12. 通过对山东省地质测绘院多年来生产、经营、科技、经济和管理工作的总结,分析了该院经济实现健康、快速发展的原因:即加大科技投入,深化内部改革。

    By the summary-up for past many years about production , administration , technology and management work of Shandong Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Geology , the reasons to achieve quickly economic development of the institute are analyzed as following : amplifying input of technology and deepening internal reformation .

  13. 江苏省测绘工程院

    Jiangsu Surveying Mapping Engineering Institute

  14. 目前,该系统已在成都市勘察测绘研究院试运行,测绘生产任务分配和进度管理得以有效实施,使生产作业的效率得到大幅度提高。

    At present , this system has been under trial operation in Chengdu Institute of Survey and Investigation , through which the assignment and process management of production tasks have been implemented effectively and the efficiency of production operation has been greatly increased .

  15. 十五期间,在国家863计划支持下,由中国测绘科学研究院和中国船舶重工集团公司成功研制我国第一套水下GPS定位系统。

    In the " Tenth Five-Year " period , under the support of the National 863 Program , Chinese Academic of Surveying and Mapping and the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation successfully developed the first set of underwater GPS system .

  16. 为了加快数字北京建设的步伐,更好的满足社会、政府部门的应用需求,北京市测绘设计研究院建立了覆盖全北京市域的1:1万DLG空间数据库。

    In order to quickly increase the step of developments of digital Beijing , and also better to content with the application need of the government and society , Our academe has already set up 1 / 10000 DLG spatial database which covered with all district of Beijing .