
  1. 由此,商业街传统文化是其魅力度重要构成属性之一。Teller(2008)在研究中指出集聚魅力度的三个测量维度:满意度、停留倾向和再惠顾意愿。

    Thus , traditional culture in commercial streets is one of the important constituent attributes of its attractiveness . Teller ( 2008 ) pointed out in his study the three measurement dimensions of agglomerations ' attractiveness : satisfaction , tendency to stay and re-patronage intention .

  2. 企业动态能力测量维度研究&基于泰国企业的实证数据

    A Study on the Measure Dimensionality of Business Dynamic Capability & Based on the Data of Thailand Business

  3. 第三部分通过文献与理论研究,深度的访谈调查构建渠道控制力的测量维度。

    The third part build the channel control evaluation system through the literature and theoretical research and in-depth interview survey .

  4. 新产品开发能力是技术能力测量维度中影响集群企业竞争力的关键因素。

    New product development capability is tested to be the key measurement of technology capability which has impact on competitiveness .

  5. 在总结学者们相关研究的基础上,利用泰国企业的数据对动态能力的测量维度进行了因子分析。

    Based on the researches of other scholars , this paper the measure dimensionality of thailand business by factor analysis .

  6. 第四章维度确立,主要是确立旅游体验品质的测量维度,是本文的核心部分。

    Chapter 4 . Dimension Establishment , proposes three dimensions of the tourist experience quality measurement , which is the key part .

  7. 智力资本的构成要素即人力资本、组织资本和关系资本分别包含以下衡量维度:人力资本的测量维度包括态度和能力、人员整体素质、人员流动性和人员培训投资。

    Results show that there are four dimensions of human capital , that is , employees ' attitudes and capability , the overall employees ' quality , employee 's turnover and training investment .

  8. 本研究针对通过问卷收集的数据,采取有限信息的分析方式,进行二阶验证性因素分析,检验了企业智力资本构成要素的测量维度。

    Using limited-information factor analysis approach and second order confirmatory factor analysis , this dissertation tests the dimension of the components of intellectual capital , i.e. , human capital , organization capital and relational capital .

  9. 同时,组织学习的三个测量维度对战略执行力的影响程度有一定的差异。(2)战略执行力对酒店绩效的影响显著。

    At the same time , differences exist between the influences of the three measurement dimensions of organizational learning to strategy execution capacity . b. The influence of strategy execution capacity to hotel performance is prominent .

  10. 电子政务服务能力的测评体系包括三个测量维度:表现层、传输层和动力层,各维度所对应的测量项目分别是内容服务能力、服务传递能力和随需应变能力。

    We built three measurement dimensions for e-government service capability : the presentation layer , transport layer and enable layer . Each dimension measurement were content service capability , service delivery capacity and on demand capability .

  11. 本文主要工作包括:第一,对高科技企业品牌资产价值的相关理论和实证研究进行梳理和评述。第二,在文献研究的基础上,分析了高科技品牌资产市场表现测量维度。

    This paper mainly includes the followings : Firstly , the paper comments on and sort out theory and empirical research on brand value of High-Tech enterprises ; Secondly , we analysis brand equity market dimensions on High-Tech brand equity .

  12. 该量表包括一般躯体健康功能,心理状态,社会家庭功能,一般症状副反应、自我生活质量评价以及特殊副反应6个测量维度43个条目。

    The scale was composed of 6 measuring dimension and 43 items including general healthy body function , mental state , function of society and family , symptoms and side effects , self-evaluated quality of life and special side effects .

  13. 通过调查所得数据来分析南宁市大学生社会网络的测量维度(组成、规模、类型、密度等),以期获得大学生社会网络的普遍特征。

    In order to obtain the general characteristic of the college students ' social networks , we analyzed the social network measurement dimensions ( composition , size , type , density , etc. ) through the survey data in Nanning city .

  14. 本文深入分析快消品行业特点,将营销渠道理论应用到快消品行业,并结合四川统一实际案例,建立快消品企业渠道控制力测量维度。

    This article analysises the industry characteristics of FMCG , applying the marketing channel theory to the FMCG industry , combined with the reunification of the actual case in Sichuan , establishing the evaluation index system of channels control of FMCG companies .

  15. 在分别依据旅游体验两极情感模型、心理印刻理论和沉浸理论,确定三个体验构成要素的测量维度分别是愉悦度、深刻度和沉浸度。

    Then according to two-pole emotion of tourist experience model , imprinting theory and absorption theory , happiness degree , profound degree and absorption degree are identified to measure the three constructing factors of emotional state , cognitive states and consciousness state .

  16. 多维数据集:测量、维度和维度级别的逻辑分组称为多维数据集(cube)。

    Cube : The logical grouping of measures , dimensions , and dimension levels is called a cube .

  17. 事实表只包含用于引用维度表的ID,以及用于测量所有维度成员变化或性能的测度。

    The fact table only contains IDs for referencing dimensions tables , and measures for measuring the changing or performance of all dimension members .

  18. 然后,您需要在监视模型中定义这些测量和维度。

    Then , you can define the measures and dimensions in the monitoring model .

  19. 您需要确认如何分析数据并选择适当的测量和维度。

    You 'll need to identify how you want to analyze the data and choose the measures and dimensions of interest .

  20. 几乎所有的测量第一时间维度无论是单项目,多项目测量。

    Almost all the measurements have the first time dimension no matter they are uni-item or multi-item measurement .

  21. 科学家们尚未拿出一个令人信服的模型来解释月球的不同寻常的形态并测量它的维度。

    Scientists have not yet put forward a persuasive model both to explain the Moon 's odd shape and fit its dimension .

  22. 评价工具所列的测量指标和维度具有一定的指向性,使师范生在技能学习中查漏补缺,不断提高自身的技能水平。

    Evaluation tools included in the measurement indicators and dimensions possess certain guiding effects . Therefore the normal students in learning skills may find their weaknesses , and constantly improve their level of skills .

  23. 默认情况下,选中的测量在所有的维度中显示,这是该多维数据集的最高级别。

    By default the selected measure is displayed across all dimensions ; this is the top level of the cube .

  24. 交叉选项卡元素现在支持脚本、多次测量和派生测量、按照维度或测量过滤、在水平方向分页,并且可以将测量数据显示为文本或者图表项。

    Cross-tab elements now support scripting , multiple and derived measures , filter by dimension or measure , horizontal page breaks , and can present measure data as text or as a chart item .

  25. 实验任务为汉语语音意识测量和英语假词快速朗读。其中汉语语音意识的测量包括4个维度:听觉声母意识、听觉韵母意识、听觉声调意识以及视觉音节意识。

    Two tasks administered were English non-words reading test and Chinese phonological awareness tests which were composed of auditory tone awareness , auditory onset awareness , auditory rime awareness and visual syllable awareness .

  26. 主要得到以下研究结论:(1)对于动态能力的测量,根据文献对概念进行描述和界定,再通过定量的方法来验证,明确其测量维度。

    This paper mainly gets the following conclusions : ( 1 ) Do quantitative research for dynamic capabilities of which the concept is not yet clear . Describe and define the concept according to the literature , clear the dimensions measurement , then verify through quantitative methods .