
  1. 共有产权住房保障制度及其实践模式研究

    Research on the safeguard System and Practice Mode of Mutual Property Right Housing

  2. 针对不同城市情况分类调控,增加中小套型商品房和共有产权住房供应,抑制投机投资性需求,促进房地产市场持续健康发展。

    We will regulate housing differently in different cities in light of local conditions , increase the supply of small and medium-sized commercial and joint-ownership housing units , curb demand for housing for speculation and investment purposes , and promote sustained and healthy development of the real estate market .

  3. 我国各地区也在实践中做出了集体土地建设公共租赁住房、共有产权经济适用住房等尝试。

    Some regions of our country are making the practice such as collective land constructing public rental housing , common property rights of economical and suitable housing .

  4. 为解决这一日趋严重的住房问题,我国政府逐步加大推进住房保障体系建设、其政策的完善以及相关措施的实施,共有产权经济适用住房的概念近年来在我国应运而生。

    To solve the increasingly serious problem , the government has increased to implement the policy of housing security system . A concept named " affordable housing with common property " comes into existence .

  5. 在这部分,首先介绍了共有产权经济适用住房的基本含义,其次又介绍了其产生的背景,最后阐明了共有产权经济适用房制度的特色及优势。

    In this part , firstly , the basic meaning of mutual property economy applicable room is introduced , secondly , It introduces the background of the mutual property economy applicable room , at last , It illustrates characteristics and advantages of mutual property economy applicable room system .