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  • soundboard
  1. 在共鸣板(如小提琴的共鸣板)上设计的一种孔,可以和音调产生共振。

    A hole in a soundboard ( as of a violin ) designed to resonate with the tones .

  2. 欧里庇得斯的悲剧,作为社会文化的共鸣板,不仅反映出了当时的雅典社会生活,也表现出了社会文化中两性角色定位。

    Euripides ' tragedies , as the social cultural soundboard , not only reflected the social life of Athens at that time , but also showed the gender roles in the social cultural .

  3. 可靠的导师既是可以征询建议的“共鸣板”,也是创业路上的向导。

    Solid mentors are part sounding board and part guide .

  4. 论述了国内外乐器共鸣板用木材的声学振动特性研究进展与现状,着重论述了国外的相关研究;

    The development and present situation of acoustic vibration properties of wood for music instrument were reviewed with the emphasis of foreign researches .