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  • conjugated linoleicacid
  1. 超临界CO2在酶法合成共轭亚油酸中的应用

    The Application of Supercritical CO_2 in the Synthesis of Conjugated Linoleic Acid with Enzymic Method

  2. GC和HPLC对共轭亚油酸的测定

    Comparison of the determination of conjugated linoleic acid by GC and HPLC

  3. 共轭亚油酸(conjugatedlinoleicacid,CLA)是亚油酸的一组几何和位置异构体,作为瘤胃微生物的产物,天然存在于反刍动物肌肉和脂肪中。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) is a group of geometric and positional isomers .

  4. 共轭亚油酸(CLA)对动物营养效应研究进展

    Recent advances in nutritional effects of conjugated linoleic acids on animals

  5. 饲料共轭亚油酸(CLA)营养原理研究共轭亚油酸的生理功能及其合成方法

    Study on the physiological function and preparation of conjugated linoleic acids

  6. 共轭亚油酸单体诱导乳腺癌细胞MCF-7凋亡及其作用机制的研究

    Conjugated linoleic acid isomers induced apoptosis of human breast cancer cell line MCF-7

  7. 共轭亚油酸(conjugatedlinoleicacids简称CLA)是一种具有多种生理活性的天然脂肪酸。

    Conjugated linoleic acids ( CLA ) are the natural fatty acids , which have many important physiological activities .

  8. 共轭亚油酸(CLA)是国际上公认的唯一动物源性功能性脂肪酸。

    CLA is the unique animal resource functional fatty acid , which was recognized internationally .

  9. 共轭亚油酸(conjugatedlinoleicacid,CLA)是指很多位置和空间异构的共轭的十八碳二烯酸的混合物。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) are mixtures of several positional and geometric isomers of conjugated octadecadienoic ( 18:2 ) acid .

  10. 共轭亚油酸对肥胖大鼠PPARγ基因表达及血清瘦素水平的影响

    Effect of conjugated linoleic acid on PPAR γ gene expression and serum leptin in obese rat

  11. 共轭亚油酸诱导人胃腺癌细胞(SGC-7901)凋亡的作用

    Cell Apoptosis Induced by Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Human Gastric Cancer ( SGC-7901 ) Cells

  12. 共轭亚油酸(conjugatedlinoleicacid,CLA)是一组位置和几何异构体的十八碳共轭二烯酸的统称。其双键位于7,9;

    Conjugated linoleic acids ( CLA ) refer to a collection of positional and geometric isomers of octadecadienoic acid with conjugated double bonds .

  13. 日粮不饱和脂肪酸对乳脂共轭亚油酸(CLA)合成的影响及其机理

    Effects and Mechanisms of Dietary Unsaturated Fatty Acids on Milk Conjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA ) Synthesis

  14. 结果显示,在14~28d,共轭亚油酸缓解了因注射LPS引起的ADG降低(P0.05)。

    The results showed that CLA can alleviate the ADG ( P 0.05 ) decrease caused by LPS injection .

  15. 目的用苯并(a)芘〔B(a)P〕建立小鼠前胃癌模型,观察不同构成的共轭亚油酸(CLA)对前胃癌的抑制作用以及与脂质过氧化的关系。

    AIM To establish mouse forestomach neoplasia model and observe the relation of inhibitory effect on forestomach neoplasm and lipid peroxidation of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) of different constituent .

  16. 采用尿素包合法对纯度在70%的共轭亚油酸(CLA)进行了提纯研究。

    Refining of70 % Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) was purificated with the method of urea including .

  17. 本文以葵花油为原料,KOH为催化剂,研究了碱异构化法制备共轭亚油酸;

    The CLA was prepared by the alkali isomerization with KOH as catalyst and sunflower oil as raw material .

  18. 共轭亚油酸(conjugatedlinoleicacid,CLA)是含有共轭双键的不饱和脂肪酸,有多种几何异构体和位置异构体。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) which is unsaturated fatty acid includes conjugated double bonds and has many kinds of geometrical isomers and positional isomers .

  19. 共轭亚油酸(CLA)有很好的抗癌、减肥、抗动脉硬化等生理活性。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) has attracted much attention as a novel type of biologically functional lipid in recent decades .

  20. 共轭亚油酸(CLA)是亚油酸的同分异构体的混合物,主要来源于牛乳、乳制品及反刍动物食品的天然营养成分。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) is a collective term to describe one or more positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid .

  21. 共轭亚油酸(CLA)具有抗癌、抗动脉硬化、减肥、提高免疫力等多种独特的生理功能。

    Conjugated linoleic acids ( CLA ) have been shown to inhibit carcinogenesis and atherosclerosis , reduce fat accumulation and enhance immune function .

  22. 该文综述天然活性物质共轭亚油酸涵义界定、功能特性、CLA安全性与推荐摄入量及其在食品中应用前景。

    In the paper , definition , physiological function , the number of safe ingestion and application in food for CLA was displayed .

  23. 对由红花籽油制取的共轭亚油酸(CLA)和红花籽油组成脂肪酸(SFA)进行氧化稳定性比较。

    The oxidative stability of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) prepared from safflower oil was compared with that of safflower fatty acids ( SFA ) .

  24. 从分离到的乳酸菌中筛选到1株共轭亚油酸高产菌株,乳杆菌L1(Lactobacillussp.)

    A high conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) producer , Lactobacillus L1 ( Lactobacillus sp . ) was screened from 36 strains of lactic acid bacteria .

  25. 目的:探讨共轭亚油酸(CLA)强化乳对小鼠体脂及血脂的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of fortified conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) milk on body fat and plasma lipids in mice .

  26. 本文首次以曲霉油作为原料,选用乙二醇单丁醚作为溶剂,KOH作催化剂,碱催化异构化法制备共轭亚油酸。

    Then conjugated linoleic acids were prepared from fungal oil by alkali isomerization using KOH as catalyst and2-butoxy ethanol as solvent for the first time .

  27. 共轭亚油酸对高脂血症大鼠脂质代谢及visfatin基因表达水平的影响

    Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA ) on Lipid Metabolism and Expression of Visfatin Gene in Rats with Hyperlipidemia

  28. 天然共轭亚油酸(CLA)主要存在于反刍动物的肉和乳中,CLA因其具有抗癌、降低血液中胆固醇含量和减肥等多种生理功能,近年来日渐受到人们的重视。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) has drawn much attention for its anticarcinogenic functions of lowing cholesterol content in blood and acting as growth factor .

  29. 选用60只1日龄黄羽肉鸡,研究共轭亚油酸(CLA)对其生长性能、腹脂沉积的影响。

    The effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) on growth performance , and serum leptin and adiponectin were investigated in yellow broiler chickens .

  30. 试验旨在研究日粮添加半胱胺(CS)和海南霉素(HM)对山羊肌内共轭亚油酸(CLA)含量的影响。

    The present study conducted to investigate the effects of dietary cysteamine ( CS ) and Hainanmycin ( HM ) supplementation on conjugated linoleic acid content in the muscle of goats .