- 网络paragenetic association

Rock types of hornfels can be divided into the pre-oreforming hornfels and the syn-oreforming ones , belonging to AEH Face with the main mineral paragenetic association & albite + biotite + quartz .
Based on the geochemical behaviour of Cu 、( Ag ), this paper expounds the geochemical coherence and estranging relationship between Cu 、 Fe and S 、 O in different conditions , which causes to from diversified paragenetic association of minerals , unique to each orebody .
Mineral assemblages and the existing form of gold in the As-Sb-Au mineralized belt of the Dongzhi County-Jing County area , Anhui Province
It is considered that Cu 、 Pb 、 Zn 、 Sb are proximal indicator elements for exploring silver in the mine according to the association and correlative character of elements .
It is considered that Bi is proximal indicator element and As is distal indicator element for exploring gold in the mine according to the association and correlative character of elements .
Four generations of pyrite are also recognized according to the shape , size , coexisting assemblage , space distribution relationship with other macerals , the contents of sulfur and iron , the atomic S / Fe ratio and associated elements in pyrite .
Paragenetic Association of the intrusive rocks in Liaoning and their distributional features
The last association indicate the element combination of two periods pyrite .
Trace element associations and their content prediction of soils from eastern China Plains
Study Chemical Elements ' Intergrowth Combination with Multi-Fractals
A preliminary study on the mineral assemblages and mineralization of the Yinshan lead & zinc deposit
The association of hydrocarbon emplacement , dissolution , quartz overgrowth and kaolinite precipitation is with acid pore fluid ;
Now we use arithmetic of multi-fractals , deal with data and draw trendline , we think receive better effect .
Described in this paper are the physicochemical characteristics , occurrence , locality and paragenesis of uraninite in the Zhuguang mass .
And the association of illite , chlorite , albitization , pore filling calcite and dolomite is with alkaline pore fluid .
The association of glauconite and micro calcite cement , calcite precipitation and a part of quartz dissolution is with alkaline pore fluid ;
The general mineral assemblage of mineralized lodes is alkali feldspar + quartz + plagioclase + carbonate ( calcite and Fe-dolomite etc ) .
Using multi-fractal model method distinguish the relation of element , by contrast with traditional method , we think that received the good result .
Sulfide ore bodies are mainly composed of galena , sphalerite , calcite and minor amounts of pyrite and marcasite , with no quartz .
According to the mineral assemblages we can divide into three stages of mineralization , quartz-wolframite stage , quartz-molybdenite-pyrite stage , quartz and carbonate stage .
The theory of deposit association and metallogenic series played an important role in ore-forming prediction , ore-searching and the genetic relationship among the different ore deposits .
The high-potassium and high-chlorine inclusions and their paragenetic inclu sions can represent the liquid phase trapped during the primary stage of diamond growth from the upper mantle .
The pyrites can be classified into the following few different types according to the relation between their occurences , intergrowths , texture and structure : 1 . Microcrystal pyrite ;
Secondly , the factor loading matrix is calculated according to quadrant using factorial analysis and elementary paragenetic rules of combination and metallogenic epoch represented by factor axis are analyzed .
An association relation occurs between the phosphor in phosphorite deposit and radioactive element uranium , that is the foundation for application of gamma-spectrometric survey to the prospecting of phosphor deposit .
A regression analysis method for geo-analysis quality monitor is proposed in accordance with the phenomena of intergrowth and combination of some elements in homogeneous geological systems and certain geological environment .
So the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate may be deduced through an intensive study of the assemblages , sequence of occurrence and formation conditions of such sulfate minerals in the oxidation zone .
According to mineral associated characteristics and intersection relationships , mineralization and alteration epochs , the pyrite can be divided into three generations , correlation to mineralization is secondly and thirdly epochs .
The Assemblages of Altered Minerals and Some of Their Typomorphic Peculiarities in Contact Metasomatic Iron Deposits in the Laiwu Area , Shandong Province APOPHYLLITE FROM HUANGSHI , HUBEI PROVINCE , CHINA , AND ITS ASSOCIATED MINERALS
Under the structure of deposit , wall-rock alteration , the fabric of ore , the symbiotic composition and relationship of minerals , and so on , mineralization can be divided into two periods : period of sediment diagenesis and construction-hydrothermal period .