
  • 网络Eutectoid steel;Fe-C
  1. 共析钢经表面研磨处理后微观组织的演化

    The Microstructure Evolution of Eutectoid Steel Subjected to Surface Mechanical Attrition

  2. 共析钢的相变超塑性扩散连接

    Theoretical Model of Transformation Superplastic Diffusion Welding for Eutectoid Steel

  3. 过共析钢温变形过程中的组织演变Ⅱ.渗碳体的球化及Al的影响


  4. 用SEM、TEM及XRD等方法研究了共析钢中珠光体经40%-90%的冷轧变形后所产生的显徽组织变化。

    The microstructure changes of pearlitic eutectoid steel induced by cold rolling were investigated by using SEM , TEM and XRD etc.

  5. Nb和Nb-V共析钢的组织与析出相的研究

    Microstructure and precipitation in Nb and Nb-V bearing eutectoid steels

  6. 用VISUALBASIC6.0语言开发了金相图像处理应用软件,应用该软件对输入计算机的亚共析钢显微组织图像进行判断、确认、推理处理后,可得到钢号及相关信息。

    This paper presents development of metallographic image processing software employing VISUAL BASIC 6.0 . The system can report model and other information of the hypo-eutectoid steel when the microstructure is distinguished and deduced .

  7. 过共析钢(T10A)加热时奥氏体的形成

    Austenitic Formation of Hypereutectoid Steel ( T10A ) during Heating

  8. 0.75C共析钢压缩变形时的组织演变

    Structure Evolution of 0.75C Eutectoid Carbon Steel during Reduction Deformation

  9. 以硅、锰合金化的共析钢经90%冷轧及在450℃退火30~120s后,可获得最佳的拉伸性能。

    The optimal tensile properties in the alloys with Mn or Si are obtained after annealing at 450 ℃ for 30 to 120s .

  10. 亚共析钢魏氏组织的组织遗传现象研究

    Research on the hereditary phenomena of widmanstatten patterns in hypoeutectoid steels

  11. 亚共析钢定碳软件的开发

    Development of System for Carbon Validation of Hypo - eutectoid Steel

  12. 激光快速加热亚共析钢焊接热影响区的组织形态

    Characterization of HAZ microstructure for hypoeutectoid steel undergone laser rapid heating

  13. 亚共析钢中先共析铁素体形态的研究

    An investigation on the morphology of the proeutectoid ferrite in hypoeutectoid steel

  14. 亚共析钢中魏氏组织的研究概况

    A Surver of the Research on Widmanstatten in Hypoeutectoid Steel

  15. 含硅过共析钢晶界铁素体形成的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Grain Boundary Ferrite Formation in Si containing Hypereutectoid Steels

  16. 亚共析钢中魏氏组织对材料脆化倾向的影响

    The Effect of Widmanstatten Ferrite on The Embrittlement Tendency of Hypo-Eutectoid Steel

  17. 共析钢室温冷拔变形机制研究

    Study on the Deformation Mechanism of Cold-Drawn Eutectoid Steels

  18. 制备共析钢典型贝氏体教学试样的工艺研究

    Study of the Technological Process for Preparing Typical Eutectoid Steel Bainite Teaching Specimen

  19. 亚共析钢碳化物相的快速直接球化

    Rapid and Direct Spheroidization of Carbide in Hypoeutectoid Steels

  20. 亚共析钢羽毛状奥氏体观察与分析

    Observation and analysis of feathery austenite of hypoeutectoid steel

  21. 工艺参数对过共析钢过冷奥氏体动态转变的影响

    Effect of processing parameters on dynamic transformation of undercooled austenite of hypereutectoid steel

  22. 亚共析钢形变强化曲线模拟

    Simulation of Deformation Strengthening Curve of Hypoeutectoid Steel

  23. 亚共析钢的亚温淬火具有强韧化效应。

    The intercritical hardening of hypoeutectoid steel takes effect on the strengthening and toughening .

  24. 临界区热处理对亚共析钢的相变过程、显微组织和力学性能影响的研究

    Effects of Intercritical Heat Treatment on Phase Transformation , Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Hypoeutectoid Steel

  25. 亚共析钢的组织超塑性

    Structural Superplasticity of Hypoeutectoid Steels

  26. 研究了中温预变形对亚、过共析钢组织的影响。

    The influence of pre-deformation at medium temperature on the transformed structures of plain carbon steels is investigated .

  27. 本文是针对塑压模的热处理变形控制的研究。特别是对亚共析钢制塑压模更为有效。

    This paper mainly researches on the control of heat treatment deformation of plasticpressing mould , the method is especially effective to the mould made of hyposteel .

  28. 结果表明,对于亚共析钢,在中温区变形、保温后可使先共析铁素体和珠光体组织大大细化,显著改善钢中铁素体和珠光体的分布状况;

    The results show that , in hypoeutectoid steels , deformation at medium temperature may fine the structure and improve the distribution of ferrite and pearlite greatly ;

  29. 为了准确地检验高碳过共析钢盘条中的网状渗碳体,分别对选用硝酸酒精溶液侵蚀和碱性苦味酸钠水溶液热侵蚀两种显示方法进行了比较。

    In order to detect the carbide network in high carbon hypereutectoid steel wire rods accurately , two kinds of detection method of the carbide network are compared .

  30. 研究了两种基体的亚共析钢经激光处理后,其硬化层的硬度梯度及其磨损特性。

    The hardening gradient and the character of abrasion in hardening layer of hypoeutectoid steel with two kinds of matrixes that was treated by laser beam have been studied .