
  1. 设计实现了基于IP网的网络互联的远程视频监控系统;探讨并实现了作为数据业务的通信网监控系统和作为视频业务的视频监控系统在同一网络共传的方式。

    The design accomplishes the electronic communication net monitor system based on the network interconnection of IP net and remote video frequency system based on the network interconnection of IP net .

  2. 自光武帝建国起共传14帝,经历196年。

    Since its foundation by Emperor Guangwu , the empire lasted 196 years over fourteen generations .

  3. 周自公元前770年周平王东迁洛邑,到公元前256年被秦所灭,共传二十五王,前后经历了514年。

    Eastern Zhou Dynasty came into being in 770 B. C. , when King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi , and ended in 256 B.C. , when conquered by the Qin , lasting 514 years under the reign of 25 kings .