
  1. 对于罗姆尼来说,提名之路漫漫而修远,仍需上下求索。

    His long , hard march to the nomination continues

  2. 黑暗中上下求索的尽头还未见光明吗?

    The dark at the end of the tunnel ?

  3. 类型的变奏舞蹈&杜琪峰电影30年的上下求索

    The Variation Dance of Typehood : An Exploration of Johnnie 's 30 Years Films

  4. 在这一艰难的上下求索中,意象观念和创作都产生了质变,获得了新的美学特质。

    In the long process , imagery and poet writing have changed profoundly and acquired new aesthetic qualities .

  5. 这些弱点给人的生存带来一定困惑。三、作家于失落中上下求索。

    These weaknesses prevent people to overcome the perplexity . Third , Writer seeks continually in the sense of loss .

  6. 凝练尊贵的生活意义,让全人类共享&为缔建唯美的家居的空间,好运达人上下求索,永无止境!

    Compact respectable living meaning , let all human beings share the space of aesthetic house life , we endlessly work hard .

  7. 恽代英青年时代怀着满腔的爱国热情,上下求索着救国救民的真理,以复兴中华为己任。

    Yun Daiying filled with patriotic enthusiasm in youth to search of the truth salvaging the country , and to revive the Chinese mission .

  8. 置身于当代社会的前苏联作家艾特玛托夫是一个具有先知、良知的忧郁者,他自觉地负荷着时代的痛苦,对人类的关怀令作者上下求索。

    Aiternatuufu , a melancholy writer of intuition and foresight in the former Soviet Unions , is sensitive to the suffering of his age and compassionate with the common people .

  9. 中国移动“臻于至善”的进程,就是一个不断进取、上下求索、开拓创新、自我超越的持续创新和提升过程。

    The process of China Mobile 's " pursuit of the supreme good " is a process of continued progress , proactive expansion and aggressive innovation for self-transcendence and upgrading .

  10. “路漫漫兮,吾将上下求索”,孜孜不倦的追求,是邹德凤源源不断的工作动力。

    " Although the road is endless and faraway , I still want to pursue the truth in the world ", the tireless pursuit is an endless motivation for Zou Defeng .

  11. 上下求索自强不息&屈原与浮士德形象比较不同钒微合金化方式对钢筋强屈比的影响

    Exploring Constantly and Striving to be Stronger & A comparison between Qu Yuan and Faust ; Effect of Different Vanadium Microalloying Addition on the Ratio of Tensile Strength and Yield Strength

  12. 虽然有很多案例研究和媒体专栏都信奉“创新”策略的重要性,但在现实生活中,很多企业依然在为创新而上下求索。

    Despite the many case studies and op-eds you might read on the importance of " innovation " as a strategy , in real life many businesses are struggling to be innovative .

  13. 烟台动漫节,这块崭新的城市名片,在烟台动漫人悉心的上下求索中,熠熠生辉、愈发闪亮,散发出自身独特的魅力和光彩。

    Yantai Animation Festival , this new city card , Yantai , cartoon people in the quest carefully up and down , the shiny , increasingly shiny , exudes its own unique charm and glory .

  14. 文论家们上下求索,或固守传统,在中国传统思想文化中寻觅灵感;或追新逐异,紧跟西方阵阵思潮,摹影画形;或独辟蹊径,培育新的文论土壤。

    Theoretical researchers and practitioners study or stick to the tradition , find the inspiration in traditional Chinese culture ; or recover the new one different from the West following bursts of thought , Or inventive , nurturing a new literary theoretical soil .

  15. 这些年来,巴基斯坦人民克服各种困难,在建设国家的征程中上下求索、不断前进,在地区和国际事务中发挥着积极作用,成为本地区维护和平、促进发展的重要力量。

    In recent years , the Pakistani people have , with unremitting efforts , overcome numerous difficulties and made continuous progress in development . Pakistan plays an active role in regional and international affairs and is an important force for upholding peace and promoting development of the region .

  16. 哀民生之多艰,吾将上下而求索。

    It is a good summary of the life , which made me so moved .

  17. 这正是鲁迅先生执着一生的路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索的思想个性与精神本质的具体写照。

    This is right the portraiture of the individuality of this thought and the nature of his spirit in all his inflexible life .

  18. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索,景区资源整合的路还很长,寄希望本文的探讨能为其提供些许参考。

    There is a long way of the integration of scenic spot resources to go , hope that this article can provide some references .

  19. 厌学问题的研究没有尾声,因为这条道路漫长而曲折,吾将上下而求索!

    The research which is disgusted with knowledge has no end , because this road is endless but turns and twists , " I top and bottom but beg "!

  20. 加朵以今年三部女性题材主导电影雄踞电影市场前三为开头,而且也提到了“路漫漫其修远兮,我们将上下而求索。”

    Gadot stated in her speech that three of the year 's top-grossing films were female-led , also noting , " So although this is progress , there is still a long way to go . "